Santhe Corporation

Santhe Corporation, simply known as Santhe, was originally a partner with Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce the Republic's LAAT line of transports and gunships. Santhe is now the main producer of TIE Fighters outside of the Deep Core worlds, and is headquarted on Lianna. It has firmly engrained itself as a part of the Empire, and uses its connections to gain leverage over the competition or entities that haven't paid them. It runs its own private security force, and a small corporate fleet for internal matters.   Rumor has it that the Santhe Corporation has heavily invested into research on Gungan technology on Naboo, building a research lab deep in the watery core. This may be related to the disappearance of the majority of Gungans on Naboo, but whether Santhe or the Empire is to blame is uncertain.
Corporation, Conglomerate
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