Dirty Deeds

Santhe's corporate fixer Cormaxi Pingold needs some clandestine work done, and is willing to pay handsomely for it - but what is the moral price, and is the party willing to pay it?   Cormaxi Pingold needs some dirty work done, something that can't be openly tied back to Santhe. Karrel Engineering has contracted Tirual Construction Holdings to build a new starship construction facility on Deservo. Ground has not yet been broken on the project and it would be in Santhe's interest that the project falls through. The crew of the Eventide will be tasked with crippling the project. Due to the area they have chosen being filled with decaying and ruined structures, Tirual is sending a shipment of explosives to Deservo to clear them onboard the . Cormaxi suggests that the Eventide crew captures the shipment before it arrives, and use the explosives to firebomb Tirual's offices on Deservo. The shipment is onboard an HT-2200 class freighter named the Disciple and will be leaving from Cadinth in 2 days. She'll remind the Eventide that their cannot be any witnesses that can connect the Eventide back to Santhe.   The crew of the Eventide would successfully commandeer the Disciple, and fly it directly into the construction site and frame it as an industrial accident.
Current Tasks:   Meet the Corpo contact Yuri mentioned.   Steal the Disciple's Cargo   Destroy the new plant site
Completion Date
20 Nov 2022
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