A New Weapon

The Empire has a new TIE fighter, one much larger than anything the Rebels have previously seen. Yuri has asked the crew of the Eventide to infiltrate the TIE Production facility and find out what it is.   Project Balefire is the Empire's newest weapons program and is nearing production. It centers around scorched earth tactics and fear; what little the Rebels know at the moment is that it involves the use of Proton Bombs, and lots of them.



A new TIE fighter is development and testing in the Lianna TIE production facility. This looks like something much larger than the typical TIE Fighter, and is worrying for the fledgling Rebellion who are already outmatched. Yuri has made several attempts to infiltrate the facility, but the Empire typically does not allow free aliens to work in military centers. He has suggested that the crew of the Eventide may be able to infiltrate and find information on the new TIE.
Current Tasks:   Infiltrate the TIE Production Facility.
Completion Date
20 Nov 2022
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