Constructing a Lightsaber

Throughout the ages, Jedi and Sith have both learned new methods of lightsaber creation, sources of crystals and ideas of concepts. Some of these methods are described here.   Once a Jedi has filled all the criteria for creating a lightsaber, he or she may begin first by imbuing their chosen crystals with The Force. This task takes some amount of time and the expenditure of a Force Point. To successfully prepare the crystals, the Padawan must make three ability checks:
  1. A constitution check (Control) to harmonize the self (DC20),
  2. a wisdom check (Sense) to harmonize with The Force (DC20),
  3. and an intelligence check (Alter) to harmonize and imbue the crystals (DC20).
Each day spent doing nothing but meditating before the checks will reduce one check's DC by 1. No DC can be reduced to less than 10. The checks may be attempted in any order, but are made at the same time. If any check fails, the process must begin again. If all of the checks succeed, the Jedi becomes stronger in The Force; the Jedi receives 2 Force Points.   After achieving success in all three ability checks, the Padawan makes a Craft (lightsaber) check to see if he or she correctly performs the final steps in the assembly of the weapon. The check can be made untrained if the Padawan does not possess the Craft (lightsaber) skill.   The DC depends on the Padawan's level:
  • Level 1: DC 30
  • Level 2: DC 30
  • Level 3: DC 25
  • Level 4: DC 20
  • Level 5: DC 15
  • Level 6+: DC 10
If the Padawan fails this Craft check, he or she must correct the problems before trying to assemble the lightsaber again. Doing this takes a number of days equal to 10 minus the Jedi's level. When that time has passed, the Padawan can attempt another Craft check to finish the assembly correctly.   The Padawan gains a +1 to circumstance bonus on attack rolls when using a lightsaber of his or her own construction.   The Padawan must then pass a check for the lightsaber hilt he or she wishes to craft. Each hilt style has its benefits and drawbacks and as a result, is easier or more difficult to craft. For more information on hilt craft difficulties see Lightsaber Hilt Variations .  

Speed Construction

Throughout history, Jedi have lost their lightsabers while on missions. Unfortunately, there was rarely time to take out a month to recreate a new blade. Thus, in the age of the Sith War, a Jedi Master (whose name is lost from the galactic history records) discovered how to build a lightsaber in mere days. This method was also more prone to failure, but was much faster, which could help greatly to a Jedi deep in enemy territory without a lightsaber.   This method requires the expenditure of 2 Force Points instead one; both dice are used as a bonus die as outlined above. The DC for the three ability checks depends on the amount of time the Jedi wishes to complete the lightsaber in:
  • DC 40 for half a day,
  • DC 35 for one day,
  • DC 30 for two days,
  • DC 25 for three days,
  • and DC 20 for four days.
Any period longer than four days requires normal lightsaber construction.   The Craft (lightsaber) skill may not be used untrained while using the speed construction method. The DC for the Craft (lightsaber) check (after all three ability checks succeed) is 10 + the normal DC for creating a lightsaber based on the Jedi's level.   A Jedi still gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls when using his or her lightsaber made with speed construction.  

Deconstruction of a Lightsaber

A skilled Jedi can deconstruct a lightsaber they have created to retrieve the materials and crystals to make another lightsaber. To do this, a Jedi must meet the following criteria:
  • Level 7 Jedi of any type.
  • Must have passed their Jedi Knight Trials.
  • The lightsaber they are deconstructing is one they have created themselves.
Once a Jedi has filled all the criteria for deconstructing a lightsaber, he or she may begin by meditating. This task takes some amount of time and the expenditure of a Force Point. To successfully prepare for deconstructing the lightsaber, the Knight must make three ability checks:  
  • A constitution check (Control) to harmonize the self (DC20),
  • a wisdom check (Sense) to harmonize with The Force (DC20),
  • and an intelligence check (Alter) to harmonize and imbue the crystals (DC20).
  Each day spent doing nothing but meditating before the checks will reduce one check's DC by 1. No DC can be reduced to less than 10. The checks may be attempted in any order, but are made at the same time. If any check fails, the process must begin again. If all of the checks succeed, the Jedi becomes stronger in The Force; the Jedi receives 1 Force Points.   After achieving success in all three ability checks, the Jedi makes a Craft (lightsaber) check to see if he or she correctly performs the final steps in the deconstruction of the weapon. The check can be made untrained if the Padawan does not possess the Craft (lightsaber) skill.   The DC depends on the Padawan's level: Level 7: DC 30 Level 8: DC 30 Level 9: DC 25 Level 10: DC 20 Level 11: DC 15 Level 12: DC 10   If the Knight fails this Craft check, he or she must correct the problems before trying to deconstruct the lightsaber again. Doing this takes a number of days equal to 10 minus the Jedi's level. When that time has passed, the Knight can attempt another Craft check to finish the disassembly correctly.   Once complete, the Jedi receives all the parts they had used in the original assembly process and the crystals used. The crystals may be used again in a new lightsaber but must be imbued again for the new lightsaber.


In order for a Jedi to building a Lightsaber, the following criteria must be met:
  1. The Padawan must possess the three basic Force Feats: Alter, Control, and Sense.
  2. The Padawan's Master/Mentor must declare that their apprentice is ready to undergo the test of the lightsaber.
  3. The Padawan must gather all the parts needed to build the lightsaber.
  4. The Padawan must imbue his/her chosen crystals with the Force.

Required Parts for Construction

  • Power Cell
  • Handgrip
  • Activation Plate
  • Safety
  • Belt Ring
  • Blade Length Adjuster
  • Emitter Matrix
  • Recharge Socket
  • Lens Assembly
  • Power Conduit
  • 2-3 Focusing Crystals
Note: For Quarterstaff Lightsabers, the following items require double the amount in order for the padawan to construct the lightsaber; Power Cells, Activation Plates, Blade Length Adjusters, Emitter Matrices, Recharge Sockets, Lens Assemblies, and Power Conduits. A Quarterstaff Lightsaber must have a minimum of 4 Focusing Crystals, two for each blade.

Articles under Constructing a Lightsaber


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