Lightsaber Hilt Variations

Lightsaber hilts were the basic, all-encompassing part of a lightsaber. A combination handgrip, blade emitter, activator switch and power source, it held within the inner workings of the weapon that allowed it to produce its distinctive energy-based blade. The first hilts were produced as early as the advent of the lightsaber itself, approximately 15,494 BrS; though cumbersome and requiring a backpack-mounted power source, the Jedi Order nonetheless began to embrace the technology. Eventually, these hilts evolved to only require a small belt-mounted pack, and again to a fully self-contained weapon system; such designs saw service as early as 4964 BrS at the start of the Great Hyperspace War. Over the thousands of years that followed, power technology and indeed the construction of lightsaber hilts continued to evolve, eventually encompassing shotos, shorter hilts used in the off-hand, as well as double-bladed, curved-hilt, and dual-phase designs. There are many unique hilts, such as the lightsaber hilt of Gungi, a Jedi Initiate. His hilt was made from the wood of a Brylark tree, which is as strong as metal.   Both the Jedi and the Sith Order used lightsaber hilts; the former regarding them as tools rather than weapons, while the latter sought to use their sabers to fuel their quest for power. Both Orders saw the construction of a lightsaber hilt to be one of the primary stages of a being's development within their ranks, mostly signifying that a Padawan or apprentice was ready to ascend to the next level. Though double-bladed hilts were typically associated with the Sith, practitioners of the dark side of the Force, those who followed the light side occasionally preferred these over the commonly-accepted use of single hilts in battle. Despite two attempts to eradicate the Jedi, the technology of lightsaber hilts continued to live on as the Order that had originally supported them rose anew. In addition, other Force-using traditions, such as the Jensaarai, constructed lightsaber hilts.  

Lightsaber Hilt Variants - The Weapon of the Jedi

Hilt Type Damage Critical Reach Weight Type Size Weapon Group Required Form Construction Difficulty
Archaic 2d8* 20 2m 3kg Energy Large Exotic** Form I (Shii-Cho) DC 15
Crossguard 2d8 20 2m 1.2kg Energy Medium Exotic** Form I (Shii-Cho) DC 25
Curved a - - 2m 1kg - - - Form II (Makashi) DC 22
Dual-Phase a - - 2m/4m 1.2kg - Medium/Large Exotic(extended lightsabers) None DC 25
Double-bladed (Saberstaff) 2d8/2d8* 19-20 2m 2kg Energy Medium Exotic** Form VI (Nimian) or Sith Form I (Exar Kun's Saberstaff Form) DC 20
Extended Tri-Phase a - - 2m/4m/6m 1.6kg - Medium/Large/Huge Exotic(extended lightsabers) None DC 30
Great a - - 4m 1.8kg - Large - Form II (Soresu) DC 22
Langanok 2d6* b 19-20 4m 2kg Energy Medium Exotic(Langanok) Sith Form II(Nightsister's Whip Form) DC 30
Lightsaber 2d8* 19-20 2m 1kg Energy Medium Exotic** Form I (Shii-Cho) DC 20
Pike (Lightspike) 2d8* 19-20 4m 2kg Energy Medium - Form I and Form VI (Nimian) or Sith Form I (Exar Kun's Saberstaff Form) DC 22
Reverse Grip (Guard Shoto)a - - 2m/4m 1kg - Small Exotic(short lightsabers) Form IV (Ataru) or Form VI (Nimian) DC 20
Short (Shoto) - - 1m 0.6kg - Small Exotic(short lightsabers) Form IV (Ataru) or Form VI (Nimian) DC 20
Short Dual-Phase a - - 1m/2m 1.2kg - Small/Medium Exotic (short lightsabers) and Exotic (extended lightsabers) Form IV Ataru or Form VI (Nimian) DC 25
Short Tri-Phase a - - 1m/2m/4m 1.6kg - Small/Medium/Large Exotic (short lightsabers) and Exotic (extended lightsabers) Form IV Ataru or Form VI (Nimian) DC 30
San-Ni Staff 2d8/2d8 20 2m 2.5kg Energy/Stun(DC 16) Large Exotic (San-Ni Staff) Form IV Ataru or Form VI (Nimian) DC 22
Training Saber 2d8 VP / 1d3 WP c 19-20 2m 1kg Energy Medium Exotic** Form I (Shii-Cho) DC 15
a-These are lightsaber Hilt designs.
b- A langanok requires a crystal one size lower than the blade size. Damage die is reduced by one type (if the damage is 2d8, then it is reduced to 2d6 instead).
c- Training Lightsabers are created with Kathracite Crystals and/or Bondar Crystals to provide little or no damage to Wound Points.
**- These weapons are included in the Weapon Group Proficiency (lightsabers) Feat.
*- Damage and Type is affected by Focused Crystals inserted. See Focusing Crystals for Types and Damage.

Lightsaber Hilt Variations and Designs

Before the Great Sith War, lightsabers required significantly higher power output to maintain the stable, solid blade that makes the weapon useful both for offense and defense. As a result, lightsabers required large power cells, some larger than a human hand to function at full capacity. These power cells were worn on the belt or on the back and were connected to the hilt of the lightsaber via a long, slender cord. Around the same time that pulse wave weapons were phased out in favor of modern blasters, lightsabers underwent a design revolution that miniaturized the power cells required to fuel the energy blade. With the development of this new technology, the Jedi devised methods of lightsaber creation that integrated these drastically smaller power cells into the hilt of the lightsaber, eliminating the need for the external power pack. With this revolution, the archaic lightsaber design was almost entirely abandoned.   An archaic lightsaber is somewhat weaker than the classic lightsaber due to the lack of a sophisticated power supply and the distance of the energy cell from the lightsaber's main body.   An archaic lightsaber requires a special power pack (which costs 600 credits) to operate.     Crossguard
An extremely rare lightsaber that is usually only found in the hands of skilled lightsaber duelists, the crossguard lightsaber (sometimes referred to as a forked lightsaber) has a special hilt that emits two lightsaber blades. The first blade is the standard, full-length blade common to all lightsabers. The crossguard lightsaber also emits a second blade, less than a human handspan in length and narrower than the standard blade, at an angle away from both the hilt and the main blade. This secondary blade is used to protect the wielder's hand from lightsaber attacks that slide down the blade. The crossguard lightsaber also enables the wielder to parry incoming lightsaber attacks between either of the two blades, making it easier to black lightsaber attacks.   When using a crossguard lightsaber and the Makashi form, the wielder has +2 defense against lightsaber attacks.   Curved Lightsaber Hilt
This lightsaber hilt design is for use with the Makashi form of lightsaber combat. The hilt is curved, adding increased dexterity and quick parries. When using a curved lightsaber in Form II (Makashi) add 1.5 times to the wielder's dexterity modifier (round down) to your damage roll. If the wielder has the Weapon Finesse (lightsaber) feat and a curved lightsaber, add 1.5 times the wielder's dexterity modifier to both the Jedi's attack and damage rolls.   Dual-Phase
A dual-phase lightsaber is a lightsaber variant that, at first glance, appears to be identical to a standard lightsaber, with a handle emitting an energy blade about 1.3 meters long. However, dual-phase lightsabers include a complex array of multiple lightsaber crystals within the handle of the weapon, allowing the user to switch the blade's length. Dual-phase lightsabers were extremely popular during the days of the Jedi Civil War and the surrounding time periods because of the large number of lightsaber-wielding opponents a Jedi was likely to face. The longer blade setting allows the wielder to keep an opponent at a distance during a duel, but lightsabers on this setting are also more unwieldy, making it difficult to defend against enemies that get up close to the wielder.   In its basic setting, a dual-phase lightsaber functions as a normal lightsaber. As a swift action, the wielder can switch to the extended blade setting. While on this setting, the lightsaber increases the wielder's reach, but the wielder also takes a -2 Defense and -2 Reflex Saving Throw penalty against attacks made by adjacent targets.   A dual-phase lightsaber requires the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (extended lightsabers) feat to use. It also requires one more Focusing Crystal than a standard lightsaber.     Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Saberstaff)
The double-bladed lightsaber—also called a Saberstaff, Lightsaber Lance, Doublesaber, Dualsaber, or Lightstaff, was a specialized type of lightsaber that consisted of a single hilt with a beam emitter at both ends, resulting in a weapon that was wielded in a similar manner to a traditional quarterstaff. Indeed, the design was likely influenced by the Zabrak quarterstaff or zhaboka. The double-bladed lightsaber was first invented by Dark Lords of the Old Sith Empire. However, many weapons of its design later came into the possession of the Sith's ancient adversary, the Jedi.   The primary purpose of the double-bladed lightsaber was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Saberstaffs were also excellent defensive weapons, as the doubled length of the weapon provided more surface area for deflecting and parrying. In addition to the practical benefits of the weapon, it also possessed a great psychological impact. The dual-blades increased the visual impact of the weapon, and in combat, opponents would intuitively try to track the blades separately rather than as a single weapon, overwhelming them.   A double-bladed lightsaber is treated as a double weapon in combat. The Jedi can use a double weapon to make an extra attack as if fighting with two weapons. The penalties apply as if the off-hand weapon were light.
Circumstances Primary Hand Off-Hand
Normal Penalties -6 -10
Off-hand weapon is light -4 -8
Ambidexterity Feat -6 -6
Two-Weapon Fighting Feat -4 -8
Off-hand weapon is light and Ambidexterity Feat -4 -4
Off-hand weapon is light and Two-Weapon Fighting Feat -2 -6
Ambidexterity feat and Two-Weapon Fighting Feat -4 -4
Off-weapon is light and Ambidexterity Feat and Two-Weapon Fighting Feat -2 -2
Note: A Jedi that has learned Form VI or Sith Form I may -2 from the above penalties. Penalties can be reduced to 0, but the Jedi will not receive bonuses from feats and forms for double weapon/dual-wielding fighting.   Extended Tri-Phase
To use the Extended Tri-Phase Lightsaber you must first make the Dual-Phase lightsaber. The materials used to make the Dual-Phase will be expended and the Jedi will be required to use more materials to make the Tri-Phase Lightsaber modification to their Dual-Phase lightsaber.   When turned on, it may be set as either standard length, extended length, or gargantuan length. As a free action, you may switch an Extended Tri-Phase Lightsaber's reach from 2 meters (standard length) to 4 meters (extended length) or from 4 meters ( extended length) to 6 meters (gargantuan length). As an attack action, the wielder can feint in combat while switching the blade's length. To successfully feint the player must make a Bluff check. This trick grants a +4 circumstance bonus on the wielder's Bluff check for purposes of feinting, but it only works once for each switch type against the same opponent (In order words, the wielder can feint twice against the same enemy).   Setting the blade to extended length does not change a lightsaber's damage, but it does change the lightsaber to a large weapon, increases the reach to 4 meters and opponents up to 4 meters away are considered prone for the purposes of attacks of opportunity.   In order to use the extended lengths of an Extended Tri-Phase lightsaber in combat, a medium-sized character must possess the Exotic Weapon Proficiency(extended lightsabers). Otherwise, a character receives the normal -4 penalties for using a weapon he or she is not proficient in.   Great Lightsaber
Favored by large species, the great lightsaber produces an oversized lightsaber blade. The blade of a great lightsaber is much longer and thicker than that of a normal lightsaber, and the handle itself is nearly as long as that of a double-bladed lightsaber. Only Large (or larger) creatures can use the great lightsaber in conjunction with feats that affect light weapons or lightsabers such as the Weapon Finesse feat. For Medium-sized creatures, two hands are required to wield the great lightsaber, and Small (or smaller) -sized creatures cannot wield a great lightsaber at all.   When using Deflect (extend defense and attack), you may extend your abilities to anyone withing 4 meters of your position. When using Deflect (attack) the attack roll may miss by up to ten, due to the range of the blade.   A Great Lightsaber requires focusing crystals of the same size (Large) when constructing this hilt.   Langanok (Lightwhip)
A truly exotic weapon, the Langanok is a special form of the lightsaber that does not assume a single blade. A langanok is a crackling metal whip of energy, seen in the hands of dark side users. It is an intimidating weapon to use and a preferred weapon of the Nightsisters of Dathomir and other users of the Dark Side of The Force. When wielded properly it forms an almost impenetrable barrier around its wielder, protecting them against anything as the blade arcs in any direction the wielder desires. The weapon's use is quite beautiful to see and often mesmerizing in the beautiful angles and twirls made by its blade.   When you hit a target with a Langanok, it deals normal damage and you can initiate a grab or grapple against the target. A target that is grabbed or grappled can attempt to escape the Lightwhip (DC 15 vs Escape Artist). Any character that ends their turn in a grab or grapple from a Langanok takes damage equal to the weapon's base damage (you do not add any modifiers to this damage).   Requires Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Langanok) for use. On a natural 1, roll damage roll anyway. The result is inflicted on the wielder instead of the opponent.
Lightsaber (standard)
The lightsaber, simple in design yet difficult to wield and master, features a handgrip hilt that projects a blade of pure energy. This blade is generated by an energy cell and focused through crystals within the hilt. The saber can cut through most materials, except another lightsaber blade. Some tougher materials, such as a starship blast door, require time and effort to slice through. Because the handgrip is the only part that has any weight, unskilled users have difficulty judging the position of the blade. They are as likely to injure themselves as harm their opponents. The lightsaber's true potential becomes apparent in the hands of a fully trained Jedi, who can defend and attack with the weapon, deflecting blaster bolts and striking opponents with the glowing blade.   In order to use this elegant weapon, a Jedi must train for many years and at one point in their life, construct their own. See Constructing a Lightsaber .   Pike (LightLance)
The favored weapon of the Emperor's Shadow Guard and of the Republic Chancellor's Guard, the lightsaber pike (LightLance), resembles a conventional polearm in many respects. The long shaft of the weapon is made of a phrik alloy, meaning that a lightsaber does not ignore the pike's damage reduction. At the end of the handle is a slightly shorter and thicker lightsaber blade, which can be activated as a swift action using a switch about midway down the weapon's haft. The lightlance has a reach of 4 meters but at the expense of the ability to Deflect blaster fire. -2 to all attempts to deflect blaster fire.   Reverse Grip (Guard Shoto)
A rare variant of the short lightsaber, the guard shoto (also referred to as the lightsaber tonfa ) has a second handle that sticks out from the main hilt at a 90-degree angle. It is possible to hold a guard shoto by either the main hilt or the second handle. If it is held by the second handle, the lightsaber blade can be held parallel to the forearm, allowing it to easily be used for blocks.   Because the guard shoto is designed primarily to block other lightsabers, it is most useful when its handle is laced with phrik, which can be an expensive process.   A character proficient with the guard shoto gains +2 to defense and Deflect attempts. When using this lightsaber in Form V you may receive an additional attack with your weapon. If you use the extra attack, only the base attack bonus may be applied, and with a -2 penalty.
Short Lightsabers
The lightsaber shoto, commonly referred to as simply shotos, but also known as short lightsabers or light daggers, were essentially miniaturized lightsabers, whose purpose was primarily to serve as an off-hand weapon for those duelists seeking to employ the twin-bladed technique of Jar'Kai, but were also utilized by those Jedi and Sith whose diminutive stature made wielding full-sized lightsabers impractical, or, in some cases, impossible.   Technically the lightsaber shoto was nothing more than a scaled version of its larger sibling and differed very little in its internal mechanism and construction. Generally speaking, a shoto would be half the size of a standard lightsaber in both blade and grip length and usually featured hilts that were considerably slimmer and more streamlined to allow for maximum dexterity. Although relatively rare in comparison with common lightsabers, shotos were in great vogue during the Jedi Civil War, to the point where a standard design was adopted, and saw considerable usage, particularly among the Dark Jedi of Revan and Malak’s empire, who wielded shotos with blades of crimson or violet. Like their more-traditional counterparts, these sabers were constructed by hand and were as unique as the individuals who wielded them. Shotos that followed this basic blueprint all shared several common traits, including conical shaped pommels, ringed handgrips and cylindrical emitter shrouds with a pair of wide vertical slits down either side.   Typically a duelist seeking to incorporate a shoto into their arsenal would recreate their original lightsaber in miniature for the sake of convenience and familiarity, although many also opted to make their second blade a different color from that of their primary weapon.
Standard Diminutive early Jedi Masters developed short lightsaber hilts so that lightsabers would be easier for them to wield. This style of building was also used by more defensive Jedi and Jedi who wished to fight with two-weapons without as much weight. Short lightsabers were used mostly by diplomatic Jedi, who preferred not to get into direct violence with others; by shorter Jedi who has to use a small lightsaber; and Jedi on secret missions not supposed to reveal their identity. Using a short adds +5 to the DC for Spot checks to see a lightsaber. You may not use Deflect (extend defense and attack) with a short lightsaber due to its smaller size.   Dual-Phase   When turned on it may be set as either standard length (120 cm ) or extended length (300 cm). As a free action, you may switch a Dual-Phase Lightsabers reach from 2 meters to 4 meters. As an attack action, the user can feint in combat while switching the length of the blade. To successfully feint the player must make a Bluff check. This trick grants a +4 circumstance bonus on the wielder's Bluff check for purposes of feinting, but it does not work more than once against the same opponent.   In order to use the extended lengths of a Dual-Phase lightsaber in combat, a medium-sized character must possess the Exotic Weapon Proficiency(extended lightsabers). Otherwise, a character receives the normal -4 penalties for using a weapon he or she is not proficient in.
Tri-Phase To use the Extended Tri-Phase Lightsaber you must first make the Dual-Phase lightsaber. The materials used to make the Dual-Phase will be expended and the Jedi will be required to use more materials to make the Tri-Phase Lightsaber modification to their Dual-Phase lightsaber. When turned on, it may be set as either standard length, extended length, or gargantuan length. As a free action, you may switch an Extended Tri-Phase Lightsaber's reach from 1 meter (standard length) to 2 meters (extended length) or from 2 meters ( extended length) to 4 meters (gargantuan length). As an attack action, the wielder can feint in combat while switching the blade's length. To successfully feint the player must make a Bluff check. This trick grants a +4 circumstance bonus on the wielder's Bluff check for purposes of feinting, but it only works once for each switch type against the same opponent (In order words, the wielder can feint twice against the same enemy).   Setting the blade to extended length does not change a lightsaber's damage, but it does change the lightsaber to a large weapon, increases the reach to 4 meters and opponents up to 4 meters away are considered prone for the purposes of attacks of opportunity.   In order to use the extended lengths of a Tri-Phase lightsaber in combat, a medium-sized character must possess the Exotic Weapon Proficiency(extended lightsabers). Otherwise, a character receives the normal -4 penalties for using a weapon he or she is not proficient in.
San-Ni Staff   The San-Ni staff was a melee weapon favored by martial artists throughout the galaxy, including Jedi Weapon Masters who used the weapon as an alternative to the lightsaber. It consisted of three metal rods held together by power couplings. It is favored by martial artists throughout the galaxy, including Jedi Weapon masters looking for more variety than the lightsaber offers. Consisting of three metal rods held together by power couplings, the san-ni staff is a flexible weapon that can be whipped around the wielder's body in combat, both for leverage and to confuse an opponent. Moreover, a san-ni staff's power couplings are made of pure energy that is impervious to lightsaber damage ( much as lightsabers blades are).   The San-Ni staff is a double weapon. You can attack with both ends of a san-ni staff as a full-round action, but both attack rolls take a -10 penalty; certain feats and talents can reduce these penalties. Additionally, the san-ni staff wielder can designate ( at the time the attack is made= that he or she is striking the opponent with the power couplings, dealing stun damage instead of normal, lethal damage.   Training Saber   Commonly thought to be low powered lightsabers, training lightsabers, also known as training sabers and practice sabers, were actual lightsabers that possessed a highly intensified electromagnetic containment field which was far more difficult to penetrate than that of a standard lightsaber. Thus the energy which formed the blade was better contained and able to do far less damage, and would result in welts, bruises, and minor burns instead of amputation or death. This feature could be readjusted by a fully trained Jedi to enable a Knight or Master to utilize a trainee's weapon in emergencies. These types of lightsabers were commonly used by Jedi Initiates and younglings.   Using the training weapons, younglings learned the basics of wielding a lightsaber. Like a regular lightsaber set to low power, they could not sever limbs or pierce flesh. Skin contact was painful, producing burns which could cause serious welts and bruises.   A Jedi wielding this lightsaber can only use Kathracite and/or Bondar Crystals with it. The saber cannot kill enemies. When an enemy's health is low, the wielder must clear a DC 15 check to render their opponent unconscious.


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