Hutt Space

Hutt Space was an autonomous region of the galaxy on the border between the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim Territories that was located to the galactic east of the Core Worlds and was under the control of the Hutt Clan. Largely noted as being a haven to the disreputable denizens of the galaxy, it managed to avoid outright Imperial control owing to its cooperation with Imperial Coruscant, however, following the Battle of Yavin, it saw increasing attempts by the Empire to cut into its trade in an effort to decrease its independence. Following the demise of the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Hutt Space was embroiled in conflict as the Hutts attempted to carve up his territory.   Hutt Space was what remained of the ancient Hutt Empire, which existed in the times before Xim the Despot. The Hutt Ruling Council controlled the region by overseeing the activities of the Hutt clans (kajidics) and their criminal syndicates. It was considered a lawless expanse within the Outer Rim Territories that was controlled by the most powerful and corrupt of Hutt clans. This meant it held an infamous reputation due to the widespread smuggling, piracy and open criminal activity. The heart of the region contained the Bootana Hutta, the "Garden of Hutts", an area containing the various Kajidic throne worlds. Even in the Empire's days, this area remained secretive to outsiders, who knew it only through rumors.   Relations with the Galactic Republic were typically strained, as this area served as a base for much of the criminal enterprise in the galaxy. The economic and strategic benefits of their relationship often encouraged both sides to compromise, however, notably the Hutts sided with the Republic during the Clone Wars and were prevented from siding with them in the Great Galactic War only by the hard-fought actions of Imperial Intelligence.   Their relationship with the Jedi Order was less cordial, with Jedi Padawan Naat Reath stating that Hutts had no love for Jedi. This was mostly due to the nature of a Jedi's work. The criminals they hunted would often flee into Hutt Space and the Hutts would be forced to deal with the imposition of a law enforcement official in their territory who they could neither bribe nor kill without consequence. However in practice the Jedi normally tried hard to avoid antagonizing the Hutts any more than they had to, the standard operating procedure was to keep their presence very quiet or announce their presence to the local Hutt leader before proceeding. Though Hutts did not like Jedi messing with their affairs, some would find their presence an amusement or an opportunity, and many were eager to help them finish their business quickly and leave.
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Cover image: Hutt Space by Uknown


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