Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta was a hot swampy planet that was covered with numerous bogs and experienced swampy rains. The planet was the homeworld of the Hutt species, who dominated the galactic underworld. One of the planet's cities was Bilbousa, which contained the headquarters of the Grand Hutt Council.


Nal Hutta, or as it was originally known, Evocar, was a very large planet, however, it lacked natural heavy metals meaning its density was less than that of most worlds. The planet was originally a lush jungle world with vast oceans, though the Hutts eventually transformed it into a polluted and barren wasteland. Once it became known as Nal Hutta, much of the surface became covered by flat, marshy bogs, stagnant, muddy puddles and patches of sickly marsh grass inhabited by insects and spiders. The few other species to survive the Hutt's environmental changes mutated and adapted to the pollutant laden environment. Some, like the Chemilizard, were able to extract nutrients from the industrial waste of the Hutts. Others developed extensive chemical defenses. The areas still habitable by the native species were viciously competed for making the many of the species on Nal Hutta some of the most aggressive animals in the galaxy.   The atmosphere was also polluted by strip-mining operations and heavy industrialization, and a greasy rain drizzled down on the surface, although its terrain was not to the extent of Dagobah. Raw materials were constantly strip-mined from the planet's surface and shipped to Nar Shaddaa for processing and export. The capital city, Bilbousa and the Guarja Shipyards were located on the planet.   The Huttese translation of Nal Hutta into Glorious Jewel stemmed from the nearby massive, radioactive gas cloud, which contained the planet Ganath.   The planet was ruled by the oldest Hutt families, known as the Clans of the Ancients, who watched over the activities of both Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa from their homes.
Alternative Name(s)
Wetland / Swamp
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