The Jedi Academy


The Coruscant Temple's origins date back to 4964 BrS when, at the beginning of the Great Hyperspace War, the [url:The Galatic Republic granted the Jedi land on Coruscant over the sacred spire, which contained a Force nexus. A holy place for the local Coruscanti, the Republic hoped by granting the Order land they would build a massive fortress-like those they had established on Ossus, Falang Minor, and Haashimut. However, the Order did not wish to entangle themselves with the politics of the capital or become a symbol of war and opted to build only a small meditative enclave. It wasn't until the Old Sith Wars saw the devastation of Ossus and the Great Jedi Library located there that the Order decided to re-establish its academy at the sacred spire. At the behest of the Order's wisest thinkers, the Four Masters began the painstaking task of building the Temple Ziggurat. Growing steadily for the next thousand years the Temple incorporated various pieces of historical works and architecture from their past, including tiles and stained-glass mosaics from the lost complex on Ossus.[1]   Following the construction of the four Jedi Council spires, the Jedi High Council moved from their temporary meeting place and permanently relocated to the High Council Chamber at the top of the northwestern tower. As the Order became more and more tightly-linked to the Republic they protected, the Order closed some of its satellite facilities and began moving all artifacts from Exis Station to the Temple's Archives.[1] After the failed Jedi Conclave at Katarr, the Temple was abandoned as the remaining Jedi Knights went into hiding as Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion began the First Jedi Purge. Abandoned for only a brief period, the Jedi reorganized and returned to the Temple following the defeat of both the Sith Lords.[9]   For the next 300 years the Temple would stand as a beacon of the Jedi's light in the galaxy, aiding the ailing Republic during the trying Great Galactic War. It was at the climax of this conflict that a dormant Sith Empire returned to the known galaxy and struck at the Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant in 3653 BBY. Marching up to the gates of the Temple, a raiding party of Sith led by Darth Malgus entered the Temple and slaughtered the complex's main line of defense in order to shut off Galactic City's security network. Once dismantled, Malgus' assault team planted bombs within the Temple and detonated them when the Sith fleet opened fire from the skies. The exterior of the Temple crumbled, the four stately towers falling upon the tiled roof, an empty ruin of its former self. However, much of the interior remained intact, symbolic of the Order's state of affairs following the attack.[2]   SWOldRepublic1CoverB Jedi and Sith vie for control in the costly Great Galactic War as the Jedi Temple is razed during the Sacking of Coruscant.   After the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant the Galactic Senate voted to hold off on rebuilding the Temple indefinitely due to the lack of funds. Interim Supreme Chancellor Paran Am-Ris informed Grand Master Zym of the vote and was promised that the Temple would eventually be rebuilt and the Sith routed. Soon after, Grand Master Zym was anonymously summoned to the Temple ruins in order to receive an important message. Discovering Commander Gin Lesl amongst the rubble, Zym assumed that she was prepared to tell him something. However she was just as confused as the Kel Dor Jedi. It was at that point the bounty hunter Braden revealed that he had information regarding the Sith assault on the Envoy and the subsequent death of Master Dar'Nala. Commander Lesl was confused as to why she had been summoned before Braden shot her for having him arrested on Dantooine. Drawing his lightsaber Zym demanded that Braden allow him to arrest him; Braden refused and attacked, killing the Jedi Grand Master and leaving both bodies amongst the ruins.[10]   Following the defeat of the Sith Empire the Order was able to rebuild the Temple. Expanding over the next three millennia, with major additions beginning circa 3500 BBY, seeing the completion of the Jedi Archives circa 2519 BBY, another addition in 2000 BBY, and the rebuilding of the Temple Spires in 1019 BBY.[1] It was only after the defeat of the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars and the end of the Republic Dark Age that the Temple would see its reconstruction completed with the refocusing of the Order at the Ruusan Reformation. Consolidating most of their efforts on Coruscant, the Order closed most of their satellite facilities and dismantled the Army of Light and began getting away from the militaristic teachings left over from the war with the Sith. With the Sith believed to be extinct, the Order and the Republic entered into a time of peace and prosperity known as the Golden Age. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, the Temple had been infiltrated by one of the last Sith following the Reformation. Darth Zannah, apprentice to Darth Bane, scoured the Archives in the guise of Padawan Nalia Adollu in order to find a cure for the orbalisks that were killing her master. Discovering the Sith too late, a task force was sent to defeat the Sith on Tython. The mission failed but was erroneously deemed a success and the Sith managed to avoid Jedi detection for the next thousand years.[11]
Cathedral / Great temple
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Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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