Return to Coruscant

Plot points/Scenes




Midday has passed on Tatooine and finally, the heroes are beginning to feel some sweet relief from the full force of the twin suns. Right now, our heroes are out of the frying pan. Ranon Djelkh and his gang have been defeated, along with the ferocious Mole Serpent, he brought to the planet in an attempt to assassinate Jabba the Hutt. Empideera Kkek and his clan of Jawas, have just arrived, our heroes ship in tow.   They came because the tracking signal from Empideera's droid went dark. They had sent some scouts ahead to see what was happening, which witnessed everything that happened. They reported back when it was safe to approach. Empideera held true their agreement. He sent his clan to scrap the large ship and set them to work on repairing our heroes' wrecked starship. As the clan worked on the ship, Empideera approached the heroes to negotiate compensation for the destroyed translator droid.   Empideera Kkek demands 500 Wuipipi as compensation for his destroyed translator droid. What do you do?
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