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Khomm Central Population Planning

Khomm Central Population Planning is the governmental agency on Khomm responsible for the oversight and control of Khomm's clone population. Khommites cannot naturally reproduce, and the KCPP makes the sole determination on all cloning matters, based on the needs of the planet and the interests of Khommites.  


The KCPP is located in an atypically large building on the north corner of the government district in Khomm 1. The building is so large because it is also home to one of the Regional Population Planning (KRPP) offices, that of Khomm 1.   The KCPP building itself building is divided into two wings. The smaller east wing is where the Khomm 1 Regional Population Planning (KRPP) office and cloning facilities are located. The larger west wing is where the KCPP offices and research facilities are housed. Both wings are comprised of 64 nearly identical floors. The administrative floors that dominate both wings are cubicle farms with floor-to-ceiling work stations that block sound, creating an eerily quiet atmosphere. The research floors have some variation based on function, and are under advanced security.  


While there is only one KCPP office, each city on Khomm has its own Regional Population Planning center. These KRPPs include both administrative offices and the cloning facilities for that city. While the administrative offices handle the cloning requests, population skill and needs assessment, census, and associated functions. Each KRPP reports back to the KCPP, who collates all of the data and issues coordinated directives to each KRPP in order to keep the global population in perfect balance.  


The cloning facilities themselves are pristine medical centers with the stored genetic seed material for each lineage in that city. They are capable of growing dozens of clones at a time, but generally only have a few in progress at any given moment. For a millennium, Khomm cloning far surpassed anything else in the galaxy and its tightly held technological secrets were a source of envy for all other would-be cloners. About 100 years ago, a company called Spaarti Creations on the planet Cartao created cloning cylinders using very similar technology to Khomm cloning, establishing Spaarti cylinders as the galactic standard for cloning.   Until recently, Khomm clones were grown over the course of about a year from the prime clone's cells into a fully grown adult. Such clones were educated through "flash training", a process of using holographic flashes to instruct young clones during their growth period. The process enabled a clone to accumulate knowledge, skills, and competencies at an accelerated rate. Memory flashing, imprinting the memories of previous clones onto its progeny, is strictly forbidden on Khomm due to its high instance of causing mental instability and identity psychosis.

As part of the reconstruction efforts on Khomm, the New Republic established a joint research effort between Khomm and Kamino, focused on not only identifying the most efficient and safe means of cloning, but also the most ethical. This has led to reducing the time needed to produce a fully grown and trained clone, without significant risk of mental instability, in approximately 6 months. These efforts dramatically helped bring Khomm's population into balance, aiding in the restoration of order after years of chaos.
Governmental, Department

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