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Khomm 1

Khomm 1 is the capital city of the planet Khomm. While nearly identical to most other cities on Khomm due to the perfect grid structure and identical buildings employed by Khommites for generations, it is somewhat unique in that it contains the large government district.

City Layout

Due to the orbital bombardment by the Imperial Remnant in 11 ABY, large sections of the city were destroyed, cause Khommites to have to adapt to chaos for the first time in their long history. As a result, they found that the most logical and efficient means of rebuilding resulted in Khomm's first departure from the grid structure, since some clusters of buildings would not be able to line up with the existing city due to the structural damage and subsequent instability to the foundation in parts of the city. This led to many referring to Khomm 1 as the "wounded city" since it has the appearance of damaged tissue that has regrown into scar tissue, bearing only a passing resemblance of its previous self.   

Government Sector

The government sector of the city is in the southwest, bordering the bay on which the city sits. To its west is a small mountain created from the rapid displacement of soil from the bombardment. The addition of displaced material from the reconstruction efforts was added to the area, creating a pragmatically-created mountain. The buildings in the government sector are virtually indistinguishable from the other buildings in the city, with each having a single purpose, usually acting as the administrative center for one of the government's many departments. The largest building is home to Khomm Central Population Planning  which oversees and controls the cloning of Khommites to fulfill the needs of the planet.   

Commercial Sector

Being a utilitarian society, all citizens enjoy an identical standard of living and are provided with all necessary goods by the government through the various distribution centers throughout the city, managed by Khomm Goods Distribution. However, off-world goods and entertainment are still sought after by Khommites and there is a sizable population of aliens living in Khomm 1 besides. Since the government provides all citizens with a monthly stipend of discretionary credits, the people of Khomm 1 visit the small commercial sector for amusement and socialization, located on a large pier extending into the bay on the southern side of the city, just southeast of the government sector.    Many of the entertainment centers in the sector are provided free of charge and are operated by the government through Khomm Social. Due to this, these activities are only those that are deemed to have some net educational or social benefit. Nonetheless, they remain quite popular, especially among the native population. There are some restaurants and amusement activities operated by Khommites as educational or innovation endeavors, meant to teach clones who are in the intergalactic commerce lifetrack how to operate and grow such businesses.    There are also some markets and restaurants that are operated by aliens. While these provide an essential respite from the monotony of daily life for non-Khommites living on Khomm, they also serve the native population, some of whom have curiosity built into their clone code. The aliens are mostly comprised of humans, Ithorians, Arkanians, and Kaminoans who have a permanent research collaboration unit established in the city.   

Residential Sector

The majority of the city is made up of residential blocks, with each identical building holding exactly 512 residents, organized and separated into social clusters of compatible personalities and job responsibilities. As Khommites do not natural reproduce, every Khommites lives alone in their own living pod. These pods are perfectly utilitarian, providing sleeping and eating (but not cooking) spaces, as well as a refresher and a small social space for hosting guests.   

Industrial Sector

While the Khomm culture is based around efficiency, zero-waste, and a kind of pragmatic asceticism, there are still basic manufacturing, construction, and production needs. The industrial sector, located on the coast between the governmental and commercial sectors, was the hardest hit during the bombardment. As such, it is the most irregularly shaped developed area on the planet. The borders of the district are easier to define, with the irregular polygon-shaped streets surrounding it acting as a permanent outline of the largest of the craters created during the attack. The buildings are also of varying sizes, which was a necessity in the reconstruction efforts in order to quickly rebuild the city.

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