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Khomm is a planet in the Khomm system on the edge of the Deep Core with wide blue seas, great land masses, and an abundance of oxygen. It is the home planet to the Khommites and the Khommite striders. The climate of Khomm is perfectly temperate, with weather closely controlled to provide maximum predictability and operational efficiency across all sectors.


The Khommites possess a culture of conformity, with a society that has remained unchanged for nearly a millennium. They decided they had reached the pinnacle of their civilization in 990 BBY, so life on the planet remained static. Through the Khomm Central Population Planning, all of the citizens of Khomm are clones of previous generations. A clone of each person of each subsequent generation was created to ensure the contiguous continuation of their species.

The cities on Khomm are mathematically perfect grids, with square housing and gardens, all preplanned. The animal population of Khomm, including the Khommite strider, is also genetically controlled by the Khommites. It is said that when a visitor lands on Khomm, its dullness could literally make one crazy.

The planetary devastation caused by Admiral Daala of the Imperial Remnant's bombardment of Khomm 12 years ago completely disrupted the previous culture and forced Khommites to adapt for the first time in their long history. This has resulted in sudden and chaotic changes to the culture, with Khommites holding differing political opinions - a previously unheard of possibility.


Due to the devastation caused from Admiral Daala's bombardment of Khomm during the Imperial Remnant's campaign of retribution against the New Republic for the destruction of Carida in 11 ABY, several sections of Khomm had to be rebuilt in ways that did not conform with the perfect grid structure that had existed on Khomm for more than a millennia. This included the capital city of Khomm 1.   The sudden loss of such a large amount of their population also led the entire planet to fall into complete chaos for several years as there were whole industries and functions with few or no people capable of carrying out those responsibilities. Some clone lineages were also permanently lost with the destruction of a number of closing centers on the planet. The New Republic helped Khomm with its reconstruction efforts, including the establishment of a research collaboration with Kamino that led to a more rapid restoration of its population.   The cultural impact of the destruction and subsequent social chaos is apparent in daily life on Khomm. What was once a perfectly harmonious and idyllic society has been fractured. There are opposing political parties for the first time in history, with some arguing for adaptation and diversity as a means to prevent any future catastrophes from paralyzing the planet in the future, while the traditionalists seek a return to Khomm's former "perfect" society.  


Almost all political discourse on Khomm revolves around the two main factions that emerged out of the post-devastation chaos: The Adaptation League and The Traditionalists. At the center of the debate is Khomm Central Population Planning and the cloning methods that should be used. The Adaptation League wants to reduce the amount of flash training that new clones undergo in order to increase the variance in skills, personalities, and identities that come with natural developmental growth. They also want to start new lines of "Naturals": mixes of different genetic codes into unique Khommites without pre-planned skill sets, occupations, or growth acceleration (i.e. babies). The Traditionalists want to return to the purity of pre-devastation life with even more organization, planning, and defined clone lines.   Recently, this debate has become more than a war of words. Small factions of radicals (incited by aliens, the Traditionalists claim) have raided various RPP cloning facilities and stolen cloning technology and genetic material. No one knows the purpose of these attacks yet. Some claim it is part of an effort to create an armed clone resistance in Khomm, while others believe that is is simply to disrupt the status quo and current traditional cloning efforts.   As both crime and political disagreement in general were virtually non-existent on Khomm until the recent chaos, the Hegemonic Council is ill-equipped and inexperienced at appropriately dealing with such disharmonious elements. A previous heavy-handed approach resulted in Khomm's first ever combat-trained clones, a new artificially manipulated genetic line called "Rosk". These clones proved unstable and too prone to violence and were discontinued. Since then, traditional, unarmed peacekeeping officers are used for any criminal activity, with clone reprogramming through flash training being the go-to method of rehabilitation.

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