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Session 28: The Infinity Path, Part VI

General Summary

Day 11, Afternoon As Rin leaves the hospital to go collect the hyperdrive from Prime Coromon, he sees a large gathering. As a Vice President of Incom Corporation speaks about celebrating the life of a hero who died for justice, he unveils a statue of Hus Jot. After finding a protocol droid, Rin is able to find out that Hus sent incriminating evidence about the Onyx Tigers to Captain Jason and the media when he went back to his apartment, shortly before he died. The poorer population of Coromon rallied around Hus' story and Incom used it as an opportunity to appease their workforce. With mixed feelings about this unexpected event, Rin heads to Prime Coromon. He is able to trick a speeder taxi driver into losing a bet, getting him a free ride to the island.    Back at The Resort, the battle between the The True and Loyals and the ISF rages on, with Tomla and Lyshea doing their best to keep the security team safe. During the battle, Tomla picks up Lyshea and carries her to cover, then uses The Force to pick up a droid and slam it down onto another droid beneath it. In response, one of the droids switches to its flamethrower and sets Tomla and Lyshea both on fire, although they are able to quickly put it out. Leaping from Tomla's shoulders, Lyshea jump down the cliffside onto a droid, smashing her fists down as she lands, disabling the threat. The security team holds its own, taking out two of the other droids while Tomla leaps from behind a rock and slices a droid in half with her lightsaber as she lands behind it. Just as the last droid is about to light Tomla up with its flamethrower again, one of the security team lands a perfect shot on it, taking the last enemy out of the picture. At least, until Cidcreper and a couple of True and Loyals arrive with nearly a dozen droid reinforcements on the cliff above them, aiming at their heads and demanding that they surrender.    Meanwhile, on ViGureni, Kyp and Lem make it to their borrowed speeder where they get a comm from Rin. Lem convinces Rin that even though he doesn't have arms, he can still help Tomla and Lyshea by trusting in The Force. At the same moment, the hospital comms Rin and says that his cybernetic hands are ready for installation. However, Lem and Rin decide that Tomla and Lyshea are in too much danger to wait any longer, so Rin decides to wait to get his new hands. Instead, he calls Major Jason and tells him that something is going down on The Resort. The ISF Major says that he is aware and will be sending reinforcements immediately. Lem helps a slowly declining Kyp into their speeder and takes off as fast as he can toward Prime Coromon to pick up Rin. They then leave Kyp at the hospital and head to The Resort.    Despite being completely outgunned and surrounded, Tomla responds to Cidcreper's demands by tapping into her deeply suppressed and hidden wells of fury, anger, and hate, unleashing a massive torrent of Force lightning onto the disabled security speeder. The vehicle immediately roars to life, and all of the nearby security staff begin jumping in as the massive force above them begin raining down blaster fire on everyone on the beach. Cidcreper, initially shocked at Tomla's display, reverts to his usual self and mocks the Ithorian as blaster shots begin finding their mark on many of the security team. Lyshea bravely bantha rushes a nearby droid, knocking it down the cliff. In response, Cidcreper directs everyone to fire on the Zeltron, causing her to fall to the ground, not far from where Tomla first met her. Tomla rushes over and picks up her friend, whose breathing is now incredibly shallow, and jumps down the cliffside behind cover. One of the security officers steps out from behind a boulder to give Tomla some cover fire, but is immediately killed by one of the droids. The remaining security staff fly the speeder over and pick up Tomla and the unconscious Lyshea and start to fly toward away from the island.   When Lem and Rin arrive at The Resort, they see Tomla and Lyshea in a speeder with several ISF security staff, and a storm of blaster bolts raining down from the cliffside onto the vehicle. Cidcreper aims his disruptor pistol at the speeder's engine and pierces the armor, causing it to explode and throw everyone onto the beach. With only a matter of seconds before everyone on the beach are decimated by the blaster fire, Lem tells Rin to take cover under the seat and pushes the accelerator to maximum. As soon as he reaches the beach, Lem angles the speeder hard so that the repulsors bounce the speeder off of a boulder and over the destroyed security speeder, placing it between the blaster fire and the helpless people on the shore. Lem tells Tomla to get in and grab the wheel as he leaps out of the speeder, drawing his lightsaber as he lands. Rin draws on everything he can to stabilize Lyshea with a medpac, using only his mouth to treat her wounds, and is able to keep her from dying on him. With Tomla badly hurt, the security team either dead or wounded, Lyshea unconscious, and Rin lacking his hands, the Bimmielite stands alone against an impossible force.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
04 Jun 2021

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