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Session 3: Ruins of Carida, Part II

General Summary

While Rin spent time mining some drunk Ugnaughts for information in the cafeteria, a stormtrooper guard directed The Initiates into the Rec Room, where three The True and Loyals (aka T&L)-affiliated security staff immediately attacked the Jedi. After incapacitating them and absorbing a few blaster shots with their bodies, the Initiates found a datapad detailing plans to plant a bomb on the Jedi's ship, The Mynock's Wing.   Before heading out to find a medbay to heal their wounds, the padawans attempted to reach Master Dal Konur on the comlink. Although his comlink appeared to be working, they were unable to get a reply. Heading to the residential level on Floor 4, the attending medical droid was able to treat everyone's wounds. Thanks to Tomla's unnaturally strong connection to the Force, the group determined that, although it would be dangerous, using the security chip that they pickpocketed from the security officer in the cafeteria to access the maintenance level on Floor 2 was their next course of action.   After making their way past a preoccupied security officer, The Initiates made their way around to the environmental systems where Lem and Tomla were able to sneak through to eavesdrop on a meeting between a Carida Memorial Fund bureaucrat named Jaychan Warrsil and a couple of rough-looking scoundrels. Based on the conversation and the subsequent interrogation of Jaychan, the group found out that the Carida Memorial Fund has a secret relationship with a terrorist group called The Alderaan Raiders (aka the AR), set up by himself and another CMF staff member named Zi Altra. The CMF feeds intel on rich visitors and donors to the AR so that they can target them for raids, giving the CMF a portion of the loot. Their next target is a human named Lonnbra Stavpol, who flies a luxury yacht and lives in the Galantos system.   After some convincing, Jaychan agrees to help The Initiates gain access to the security office on Level 1, where they can review security holos from the past week to see if Kyp visited the station. After leading them through the various memorial on Level 1, Jaychan gets the Captain of security, Piedon Devche, to leave so that The Initiates can go in and proceed with their search undisturbed. After some light hacking by Rin, they find that Kyp did visit the station and accessed a hidden room behind a deactivated access station on Level 1. They leave right as the head of security is returning and make their way to that access station.   Rin finds that the station is powered down, but that there is an external, independent power source connected to the station. When he accessed it, a warning flashed, giving them 10 seconds to connect a compatible power source before a power surge would cause the station to explode. Thinking back to the holos and putting his faith in the Force, Rin quickly disassembles his lightsaber and connects its power cell to the station, which causes it to slide back enough for them to access the room behind it.   The secret room only contains a bed, a holo of someone who looks similar to a young Kyp Durron, and a terminal. Rin hacks the terminal and the group finds a series of communications between Kyp and a man named Cidcreper who works for the Incom Corporation on Fresia. He seems to be attempting to purchase an entire squadron of Z-95 headhunter starfighters and had an appointment with Cidcreper yesterday on Fresia to close the deal.   After still not being able to contact Master Konur on the comlink, but being sure through their connection to the Force that he was still on the station, The Initiates return to The Mynock's Wing where they find a T&L flunky messing with their hyperdrive. After restraining him and undoing the damage he caused, the Initiates start to figure out how to find Master Konur so that they can get off of this station.
The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
12 Jul 2020
Primary Location

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