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Session 4: Escape to Fresia

General Summary

After making sure that the T&L (The True and Loyals) operative was securely locked away on The Mynock's Wing, The Initiates try again to contact Master Dal Konur on the comlink, with no success. Lem looks into the force and decides that the command level isn't the right place to go, and suggests that the group head to the starboard hangar. Tomla disagrees and says that Master Konur hasn't helped them at all during this mission and that they should just leave him here. Rin, appalled at the suggestion, grabs Tomla's arm and tries to pull her out of the ship. Lem steps in before things turn into an all-out brawl, and eventually Tomla agrees to help them locate Master Konur.   The group heads to the starboard hangar bay, which is a mirror image of the port hangar. They march straight to the security office and convince the guard in front of the door to let them in. Tomla and Lem head in, while Rin hesitates, staying in the corridor. As soon as the two Jedi enter the room, the doors close and the guards and officers open fire. It is at this moment that the Jedi realize that everyone on this level is wearing the T&L badge on their uniform.   In the chaos and tight quarters, the guards have trouble finding their targets, with blaster bolts hitting seemingly everything but the Jedi. Lem draws his lightsaber and starts swinging at any guard that comes within reach. Rin battles the lone guard in the hallway, eventually incapacitating him and taking his blaster rifle, a weapon with which he is still much more comfortable than a lightsaber. Tomla, refusing to let the dire situation cause her to violate her pacifistic beliefs, keeps her lightsaber hidden and instead uses her Ithorian bellow to disorient the security. Otherwise defenseless, she falls to the ground and grabs her wrench, slamming it futilely against the guard's armor. Eventually, Rin charges in, blaster rifle firing, and Lem is able to take out several of the guards, including those who joined the fight after being called in by the security staff. Once the guards are all down, the group assesses the damage, finding that Tomla and Rin are badly injured by blaster fire. Determined to push on and find Master Konur, they head through the docking control room and a terrified engineer, and carefully approach the cargo room.   Listening in, they hear a couple of voices discussing what to do with the Jedi, which is all the group needs to hear before the burst in, lightsabers drawn. They find two rough-looking individuals, which Rin realizes must also be part of The Alderaan Raiders, but different ones from those they encountered on the maintenance level. Master Konur is in the middle of the room, unconscious and tied to a chair. In the standoff, the padawans talk through the situation with the pirates, discovering that they actually have a lot of respect for the Jedi and don't wish to make enemies of them, but that they can't let them interfere with their crucial operation here with the Carida Memorial Fund. The padawans agree to ignore their dealings with the CMF if they let Master Konur go. The raiders reluctantly agree. Rin also notices that some of the crates in this room have Ismar Tun's name on them and (using some of Lem's credits) agree to buy them back.   Leaving the cargo bay and the pirates, Rin makes a quick stop in the docking bay to sabotage one of the T&L TIE fighters to help ensure their safe escape, before they all bring Master Konur back to the ship to rest. Finally, they stop back by the port hangar cargo bay to return Ismar's stolen goods, and he thanks them by giving them a crystal that he found some time ago. Lem immediately sees that it is an already-cut lightsaber crystal, likely an incredibly rare solari crystal.   With Master Konur still recovering, Rin flies the Mynock's Wing out of the station, and S19-A1 plots the course to Fresia to see what Kyp is up to.   During the 12-hour hyperspace journey, the padawans use the time to meditate and receive additional training from Master Konur, deepening their connection to the Force, as well as resting and healing their wounds from the stressful and violent hours spent at the Carida Memorial Station.   Coming out of hyperspace, the group scans the holonet for information about Fresia. The only significant city is the capital, Coromon, where the Incom Corporation HQ is located, so they head there, requesting and receiving permission to land at the main hangar, The Dock, docking wing 1, platform 27. After going through the typical landing procedures and check-in, including providing a crew manifest, Master Konur tells the party that he is going to head directly to the Incom HQ to talk to the CEO to see what deal Kyp was making with them. He asks The Initiates to get familiar with the city and explore a bit, seeing if they can find anything useful out. With that, he departs The Dock, leaving the padawans to their own devices.

Rewards Granted

Everyone levels up to level 3!

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
18 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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