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Session 5: A Deadly Game, Part I

General Summary

After docking at Coromon, Master Konur tells the party that he is going to the Incom Corporation HQ and that the padawans should just explore around. As he is walking away, Salty contacts everyone on the comlink and asks what he should do with the prisoner on the ship that's in his charging station. After the padawans explain to their Master why they took a prisoner from Carida Memorial Station and didn't think to mention it to him, they start to receive an annoyed reprimand before Master Konur stops himself. He apologizes and explains that his focus on Kyp, his only true friend in the galaxy, has caused him to become distant and dismissive of his padawans. He thanks them for saving him at Carida, and then asks for their opinion on what they should do, offering them the option to take a little well-deserved R&R on the planet.    After some discussion, the group agrees to have Konur take the prisoner to the authorities on his way to meet with Incom to see what Kyp was up to here while The Initiates get the lay of the land and explore the city.    Leaving the docking bay, they see a large tourist center with a crowd of people around it. It seems that they have arrived the day before one of the biggest events on the planet, the Headhunter Hunt. After getting a pamphlet and learning a bit about the event, Tomla and Rin notice a nervous Gotal being followed by a couple of human thugs. Lem steps in and runs the thugs off, while the Gotal, Hus Jot, introduces himself. He explains that he has been smuggling goods for the local gang, The Onyx Tigers, to make ends meet, but recently lost a shipment and also wants to get out of the life. He thinks the thugs are likely going to steal his ship and he wants to get off-world and hide from them.    Rin and Lem quickly form a plan: they get the Onyx Tigers to help them get into the Headhunter Hunt, and they use the winnings to pay off Hus' debt and secure his safe exit from the gang. Tomla is not in favor of hunting and refuses to participate in the event itself, although she reluctantly agrees to help her fellow Jedi with their plan. They convince Hus that he'll be safe on their ship with Salty while they go put their plan into action.    Having seen their faces, Rin reaches out into the Force to find one of the thugs that was chasing Hus, his first time attempting such an advanced force technique. He sees an image of the brute surrounded by rock, standing at a table talking to others. They ask a speeder taxi pilot where they might go to find shady characters, and he suggests they go to The Ugly Herglic at the Mall and ask for Mrlssi.    After arriving at the Mall in the Northwest Coromons, they walk across the bridge to NWC3 and head toward the south building where the bars are located. While walking, Lem catches a local news report about a mysterious new creature that was found on the beach of The Resort in NWC. He immediately recognizes it and goes near-catatonic. Tomla uses the Force to snap him out of it, and they continue to The Ugly Herglic.    The bartender, Mrlssi, tells them that she doesn't have much info to provide, but that Onyx Tiger members do stop in from time to time, although none are here now. She warns them to be careful, though. Sitting down for a few stiff drinks (and a fruit juice for Tomla), Lem opens up and tells the others about the "masquer" and what looks like Yuuzhan Vong presence on Fresia. He proposes getting their hands on some masquers and using them to get into the Headhunter Hunt, although he warns them that they are dangerous, painful, and could change them forever. Rin and Tomla patiently let their colleague go on about this for some time, not being too transparent about their skepticism of another one of Lem's stories.    After finishing their drinks, they head back toward the speeder platform. Master Konur comlinks them to say that he's still waiting to meet with someone at Incom, but he has a bad feeling and wants to get back to the ship and check in with Master Skywalker. Lem asks to talk to him privately and they agree to meet back at the ship in 2 hours. They begin walking across the long bridge to NWC2 and Rin overhears a couple of Incom employees talking about a relocation package that "Kady" (or "KD" or "Kaydee") would provide from the headhunter hunt.    Before he can learn much more, he sees a seeker droid following them, just before it opens fire. He runs toward it, trying to grab it and hold it down before it can do any damage, but it's too small and quick. He and Lem ignite lightsabers and attack, but it continues to evade their every move while firing bolt after bolt at Rin. Tomla tries to use her Ithorian bellow at it, but catches a bug in one of her throats and chokes instead. However, once she sees Rin take a nasty hit to the shoulder, she takes a huge breath and bellows so loudly that the droid flies against the wall of the bridge, putting it out of commission.   Unable to identify the origin of the droid, they simply take it with them and continue across the bridge, revising their plan as they go. They now want to enter the Headhunter Hunt and win the relocation package that they heard being mentioned and gift it to a needy Incom employee. While this is personal for Rin, Lem is a bit indifferent to the charity aspect, and Tomla continues to state that she will not participate in the hunt.    Once back at the ship, they wait for Master Konur and talk to Hus, who quickly identifies the lack of serial number of the seeker droid and the recency of the model as likely belonging to the Onyx Tigers. This causes Hus to panic, wanting to leave immediately. Tomla convinces him to stay for his safety, so he asks that they at least check on his ship.   As Rin is heading with Salty to check on Hus' ship, Master Konur returns and runs into them. Rin explains why Hus is with them and pleads for them to be allowed to help him. Master Konur agrees to let Hus stay for the moment, but cautions Rin against allowing his emotions to cloud his judgement and interfere with their larger mission.    Konur then speaks privately with Lem, and when they emerge, Lem seems visibly upset and resolute. With the team reunited, they take a moment to discuss their next steps before moving forward.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
26 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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