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Northwest Coromons

The Northwest Coromons, aka the NWC, is a group of seven islands that make up the commercial and entertainment district of the city of Coromon on the planet of Fresia. From west to east, the islands are:

NWC1 - Aka, "The Dock"

NWC1 has one major structure on it: a massive, round dock for all visitors to the islands. The dock has 5 different wings, with one reserved for Incom's most elite and well-to-do clients (Dock 5) and another that acts as a sort of sales and test-driving arena for Incom (Dock 4).   Docking Wings 1-3
Most of the people that they see are tourists in these wings. It's hard to distinguish those that are here for pleasure and those that are here to purchase ships. No one looks overly rich and there aren't really any poor people seen throughout the wings. There are 30 bays in these docking wings and the layout is identical. In addition to a Tourist Center, there is also a Dock Master's office and a security center in each wing. There are security guards patrolling the docks and posted at the entrance of each bay. The bays themselves each have a keypad with code needed to open the large blast doors. There are cameras throughout the building, all loosely monitored by the security office in each wing. The entrance to docking wing 4 (from wing 3) and the entrance to docking wing 5 (from wing 1) are both guarded by full security checkpoints, and only those with proper credentials from Incom are allowed through. The public exits for the entire structure are only in docking wings 1 and 2, which lead to a walking path toward the speeder platform.

Docking Wing 4
This is the sales lot for Incom's individual ship purchases for light freighters and smaller. Entrance is only allowed at the security checkpoint in docking wing 3 and only with a confirmed appointment with an Incom sales rep. Any attempt at Deception to gain entrance will require a DC26 Deception check. Mind Trick will only work if they can successfully perform it on both security guards at the same time at DC16.

Inside, there are ten over-sized bays dedicated to different types of small craft. There is a military starfighter bay with a large number of models available. Everything from the old ARC-170s and A-wings to the various models of X-wings and PT-series bombers and of course the Z-95 Headhunters. The newest model is a ship called the R28 which is the reconfigured precursor to the first X-wing. Another bay has various air speeders under Incom's T-line: the longtime standard T-16 skyhopper and the T-24 airspeeder (in both the standard and the now-famous "Hoth" configuration and coloration) and the Stratos "Cloud Cars". This bay also has the Incom line of speeder bikes, mostly the Zoom II and the MVR-3. There is a bay for personal freighters, featuring the Corsair and the Starcrasher. Yet another bay is for the industrial ships like the X-23 Starworker barge and the W-23 StarHauler. The final bay is for military transports such as the Y series of dropships and the CX PeopleMover.

Docking Wing 5
There are two entrances to this wing. The first and most public is from the east side of wing 1. That includes a heavily fortified security checkpoint with a half dozen security personnel. Only those with special clearance from Incom, including a specially issued security chip, code, and authorization in the Incom systems are allowed in. It would take a DC35 Deception check to get through without all three of these, with -5 to the DC for each of the three they do have. They would have to Mind Trick all 6 of the security personnel at once for that to work, and that would be at a DC15 for each. The second entrance is through a ceiling bay door that only Incom corporate speeders with specialty clearance and scheduled arrival and departures through Incom HQ are allowed in and out of.

The wing itself has 20 large bays, each with two armed security guards and a code and chip panel to open the blast door. Instead of the tourist center that the other bays have, there is a full-service concierge center. Those with access can request complimentary luxury speeders (with and without chauffeurs), private meeting space, high class meals and drinks, protocol droid assistants, and more.

NWC 2 & 3 - Aka, "The Mall"

These are two islands connected by a platform. NWC2 has a large (the building is a bit more than 2 miles in diameter), circular building with many high-end shops inside. It's clean, trendy, and expensive, and for the right price, you can find just about anything that you can buy in this building. NWC3 is about a 3 mile walk across a beautiful (despite the many holo-boards) bridge that serves both walkers and speeders. The island itself is an oval, with the center being a walking holosculpture park with famous Incom and Fresia figures represented. The south side of the island has a series of interconnected buildings with winding corridors, all full of restaurants. There are more than 200 different restaurants with most of the galaxy's most popular dishes available. The north side of the island is a large, modern building dedicated to intellectual entertainment and stimulation. There are holoshows, museums, art galleries, and schools at the elementary and secondary levels.

NWC4 - Aka, "The Resort".

This small island is the getaway for the residents that can afford it. With a modest fee of 5,000 credits per person per day, guests are treated to a full-service luxury vacation with a primitive theme. Massive straw huts are used for residence and entertainment, while the beaches are among the most pristine in the archipelago. Massages, fine dining, sports, and more are available.   The largest building on the north of the island is the hotel, which has many types of rooms, as well as a grand hall on the first floor. It also contains the staff offices for The Resort. The building on the southwest is for various amenities, such as massages, restaurants, live shows, and more.   The final building is the East Building sports complex which has all kinds of recreational activities from around the galaxy. There's a water wing with all of the Mon Cal, Quarren, Nautolan, and other aquatic species' traditional sports. Another wing is for land-based activities. There is a back exit from the complex that leads toward a private beach for the elite visitors, with a number of private bungalows.

NWC5 - Aka, "The Park"

Host to "Incom Park", an amusement park and museum rolled into one, this island is fully owned and operated by Incom. The various buildings offer rides and games of all sort, all with a starship theme and featuring Incom ships. There are even two open structures that house Incoms latest ships that visitors can check out first-hand. Holoboards are places all throughout the park to remind visitors about Incoms great achievements throughout history. Incom Park is accessible via general admission for a cost of 50 credits per person which gives access to most of the rides and entertainment.

NWC6 - Aka, "The Destroyer"

This entire island is made up of a 1/3 scale model of a Super Star Destroyer. Originally built as part of the Executor design process by the then nationalized Incom, this nearly 4 mile long test ship is the largest non-functioning model of a starship ever built. Visitors can go inside and learn all about how the Empire forced Incom into doing its dirty work, building vessels for its never ending wars. It also tells the story about Incom's quiet resistance to the Empire and how it supported the Rebellion. A tourist favorite are the holorecordings of Darth Vader's tours of the construction of his final command ship. There are also shops and various cafes and restaurants inside. Admission to the museum is free of charge, and the tour mostly consists of a history of Incom and the Executor project. All vital parts have been stripped and even the old TIE fighters in the hangar bay have no engines or weapons.


The only NWC island without a nickname, this is simply a deep underground storage facility for all of the NWC businesses and island operations. It is the smallest of the NWC islands by far and simply has two large, circular hatches that open to freight elevators of various sizes.

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