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Session 6: A Deadly Game, Part II

General Summary

With everyone back at the ship, the Initiates update Master Konur on what they've been up to and planning. After explaining to him their plans to enter the Headhunter Hunt, intervene with a local gang on behalf of a local, and Lem's obsession with the Vong, he chastises them a bit and asks them to stay on mission. He also reminds them not to cause any political issues between Fresia, IncomIncom Corporation and/or the New Republic. However, Tomla senses that Master Konur may be hiding his true emotions on this topic from his padawans.   After some discussion on how to move forward from here, Master Konur tells the group that he is unable to reach anyone on Yavin IV, which is highly unusual. He suggests that they continue digging into Kyp Durron's purpose here while he keeps trying to reach someone. As they are deciding how to proceed, Hus Jot lets them know that the The Onyx Tigers are planning something related to the Headhunter Hunt tomorrow and that those participating are likely to be in greater danger than usual. Based on this, and taking Master Konur's advice to heart, the padawans decide to go to Coromon Besh to make the Interplanetary Security Office (ISO) aware of this threat.

After arriving on island 1 of Coromon Besh, they talk their way into the ISO and meet with Captain Jacob Jason. He is convinced enough by their story to increase the security at the awards event after the Hunt is over, but there is nothing he can do to protect people participating in the Hunt since ViGureni is too heavily jungled and large. However, he sees no problem with the Jedi being on ViGureni during the Hunt, as long as they don't do anything to affect the outcome. He also agrees to arrange free access for the remainder of the day at The Resot in Northwest Coromons so that they can look into the Tigers' business there.   With that, they head to The Resort, finding the private beach where Vass Manduc is meeting with a Twi'lek man and being entertained by a Zeltron woman. The Tiger guards refuse to let them in, so the padawans head back up the pathway from the beach. Tomla and Lem use their knowledge of plants to find some local weed that secretes a skin irritant. Grinding it up into two small balls, Tomla uses the force to hit both guards square in the face with it, causing them to abandon their posts and rush to the water to wash their eyes out.

With the guards dealt with, Lem confidently strolls up to Vass with Tomla right behind, while Rin heads over to make sure the two guards won't cause them any trouble. The Twi'lek man attempts to leave, but Lem stops him, causing Vass to call for backup from the local security on the island. Lem ignites his lightsaber and a battle breaks out. The guards start firing and Vass warns the Jedi that they are in way over their heads and are about to be surrounded by an entire security force. Rin continues covering the first two guards who continue to be incapacitated by the skin irritant, but one of the new guards sees him and opens fire. Tomla runs over to help the Zeltron woman, getting her to safety by using the Force to lift her on top of one of the tall rocks by the beach while Vass shoots at her as he runs toward the cliffside. The Twi'lek man makes a break for it, running past Tomla and Lem and off the beach entirely, making a clean getaway. Rin uses the force to knock down one of the guards, who immediately gets up and blasts him in the chest. Lem takes out the other guard before running over and helping Rin with the final guard. As Vass tries to escape up the cliffside with a grappling hook, Tomla picks him up with the Force and twirls him around, wrapping him up in the synthrope from his grappling hook and incapacitating him.   As they secure Vass and start to question him, Tomla hears the footsteps of additional guards coming down to the private beach to investigate the sounds of blaster fire. They get Vass to agree to forgive Hus' debt, but then he begins stalling when they ask about the Headhunter Hunt, Kyp, and the Twi'lek that ran away. The Zeltron woman tells Tomla that she's afraid for her life since she overheard the conversation between Vass and the Twi'lek, so Tomla has her come with them as Lem gags Vass and throws him over his shoulder. The group hides behind a large rock from the guards coming down the beach. Running back into the guards washing their faces, Rin tries to play off their presence there to massive failure. As one of the guards reaches for his comlink, Tomla and Rin pull it to them with the Force, causing it to sheer and break in midair. The guard runs away and the second guard hands over his comlink and follows his comrade.   As the group hides out behind the rock and struggles with how to get out of the situation, their comlinks chirp. It's Master Konur asking for an update.

Rewards Granted


Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
31 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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