Do You Want To Buy A Little Yellow Droid?
General Summary
Having settled matters with the pirates, gotten the Republic refugees to Mirial, and taken the Imperial refugees to Torunga, we sold salvage, leased the Raging Tonii to Clan Qiju, and gave the Caladrius to Master Alize, who is going to form a floating school in space. Onward to our next adventure!
- Niwadi figures out that the most likely reason the StarCrawler has a harpoon is to get pergul, giant hyperspace capable space whales. Despite this, we leave the harpoon in place when we put the StarCrawler into dock for repairs and upgrades.
- Alize loans us her ship, the Douverie, to take on our next eploration mission to H7-R6Ω-909. Since the system has no name, we can name it.1
- When we get there, we find a distress beacon. The world is very dangerous, and requires a breath mask to breath properly. The only water is where the distress beacon is. There are weird, massive red mounds, which turn out to be a Rakatan cruiser that crashed.
- We land where we have cover from the guns at the complex we've found, and head towards the complex. Tor'vir reacts poorly to the mounds. He says they are broken in the Force.
- We skirt under the tower, which Gridtok thinks is manned by droids. The tower is shooting at something at the red mounds. We are attacked by spider droids, which we dispatch, and start investing the structure. Amur takes control of the tower gun. Everything we find that works is held together by the star wars equivalent of duct tape and hope. And little sticker with symbols on them.
- Tor'vir comes across a tiny yellow rakatan droid that is repairing the spider droids we killed, using parts from our speeders! And leaving little stickers behind. We have to jury rig the landspeeder to work. Tor'vir catches the droid but can't hold it, and it zooms away on little magnetic rails just for it. It seems to leave little stickers behind when it takes parts.
- Amur learns of other nearby locations that are linked to this one while all of us try to figure out how to catch the little droid without losing our speeders.
- Asha has a private conversation with Sothys about the red mounds. Sothys recognizes it but thinks it's wrong and should be thrown away to start over. Sothys thinks it's an extension but it's broken.
- We try some things to capture the droid but fail, so decide to follow it's rail instead. We get to another facility and are attacked by weird mutated creatures. We seem to be on the roof of some kind of bunker. With lots of traps. And droids. And archives we can't get in to or they will self-destruct.
- We go try another facility and the repair droid tries to bury us under an avalanche. We find the source of the distress beacon, which when we turn it off, the little yellow droid comes, turns it on, and puts a bomb in the room and a holorecording to warn us there's a bomb and stay away. Before the droid arrives, Tor'vir manages to get data on a baradium nuke and the efforts the inhabitants here took to wait for rescue. We decide to stay away for the time being, with the idle thought that it might destroy Detkarn (or however that is spelled?) if he investigates.
- Lastly, we go look at the Primarch's rooms, which are actually a big creepy cave. Gridtok sets off a vision all the Force weilders see: the Primarch killing slaves and then devolving/mutatating. Meanwhile, a giant degenerate appears and tries to kill everyone. Only Niwadi and Amur can attack, which they try, but it hits with devestating effect. Fortunately the Force types snap out of the vision eventually and come kill the thing with us. We then investigate his quarters and find a bedroll and ritual gear - and an identity crystal, which we can use to get into the archives.
- Detkarn has arrived, which we figure out by the explosions he's causing. We are all utterly gleeful at how mad the little droid will be at him. We go back to the Archive before Detkarn can destroy it, and download it. It is a LOT of data. We then go to see how Detkarn is faring against the repair droid, and find ourselves summoned to the Maintenance Bay. Apparently we're less objectionable "slaves" than Detkarn . We arrive to find skulkers and agonizers attacking the remaining Rakatan droids.
- We fight. We win! Asha makes absolutely certain Detkarn is dead. Tor'vir nearly dies.
- We talk to the little droid, but it is bound by certain protocols. We hear a ship take off, so we know Detkarn left someone behind who knows he lost. We're now on a timer, possibly. A long one, but still a timer. We destroy the beacon. Once the beacon and the archives have been deactivated/destroyed, the alpha protocols running the droid are no longer in play. It turns out it's a full AI, and this is one of the drones it controls. We make plans to take it with us so it can experience the galaxy as it is now.
- First, we explore the red mounds/downed ship. According to Asha and Sothys, the ship is a broken extension of something grown from one of the enemy and then released. They wanted to make more ships that could travel the stars. We make it through the ship to the core, where we find the Rakatan bomb, unexploded. It's all a mess. We eventually run a cable from the bomb outside, and set up a way to blow it up once we're gone. Gridtok takes lots of holos of the ship. We spend a day getting salvage and rescuing the AI. We start calling it Oppa Droid-Chan. We take off, and blow up the big ship.
- We stop at Mirial on the way back home, and we get Oppa Droid-Chan registered as a republic citizen. We then realize we should get our own citizenship updated, and Tor'vir, Niwadi, and Gridtok do so. Amur applies for citizenship as well, which we get fast-tracked. We then head for Torunga.
Character(s) interacted with
Oppa Droid-chan
1 - I have no notes that we did name it, just that we could.
Covers dates from May 23rd 2023 through July 18th 2023.
Covers dates from May 23rd 2023 through July 18th 2023.
Stormy: This is like Alien with Wall-E in the title role. Kate: I hate being right about rivers of blood.
Primary Location: H7-R6Ω-909
Report Date
18 Jul 2023
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