Awful Assortment Organization in Star Wars: Awful Assortment Edition | World Anvil
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Awful Assortment


The Awful Assortment was generally considered to have started when experienced veteran CT-1330 "Domino" was sent to Tatooine on a mission to hunt down Old Republic war hero Adar Tallon. He was heading back from a mission with the mercenary Eikoow Sllabruf and fresh recruit Zoltoc Jel, but without their pilot, who had perished during that operation. In the course of the manhunt, they picked up castaway Confederate Cyone, self-styled general.
This original team of four didn't last long, however. Cyone's and Eik's actions in the Tallon Massacre resulted in their nickname and a Rebel court martial, Ackbar v. Awful Assortment. Whilst Cyone was mostly acquitted due to his years of solitude and his robotic servitude, Eik was held responsible, to which he plead "I have a bomb", killing and/or maiming several members of Rebel High Command. He was promptly arrested. In his stead, the Awful Assortment were assigned greenhorn pilot Dahn Khi-Del and charismatic spy Schaa-vartz.
Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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