Star wars: awful assortment edition Awful Assortment Adventures Timeline
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Awful Assortment Adventures

Age of the Republic

  • 52 BBY

    Schaa-vartz Birthed
    Life, Birth
  • 32 BBY

    Domino "Birthed"
    Life, Birth
  • 29 BBY

    Zoltoc Jel Birthed
    Life, Birth
  • 24 BBY

    Cyone Constructed
    Life, Birth
  • 23 BBY

    Dahn Khi-Del
    Life, Birth

Clone Wars

22 BBY 19 BBY

Reign of the Empire

19 BBY 0 BBY

  • 19 BBY

    Order 66 Executed
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 18 BBY

    Adar Tallon Fakes his Death
    Life, Death
  • 2 BBY

    Attempted Recovery of Hyla Terris' Holocron
    Discovery, Exploration

    The 15th Brother was killed by Jodo Kast whilst he attempted to recover fallen Jedi Master Hyla Terris's holocron.

  • 0 BBY
    Death Star Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

Age of Rebellion

0 BBY and beyond

  • 1 ABY

    3 /1
    1 ABY

    6 /1

    Tatooine Manhunt
    Military action

    The Awful Assortment was sent to relocate presumed-dead Republic war hero Adar Tallon, avoiding the clutches of various bounty hunters acting on the Empire's behest.

    More reading
    Tatooine Manhunt
  • 1 ABY

    9 /1

    Life Day Liberation
    Military: Skirmish

  • 1 ABY

    18 /1

    Ackbar v. Awful Assortment
    Civil action
  • 1 ABY


    Operation Shantipole
    Discovery, Scientific

  • 1 ABY


    Scavenger Hunt

  • 1 ABY

    14 /3

    Dax Sunrunner Stowsaway on the Enduranc
    Diplomatic action

  • 1 ABY

    5 /4
    1 ABY

    7 /4

    Rescue of the Kuari Princess
    Military: Skirmish

  • 1 ABY

    6 /4

    Marriage of Mr. Cyone and Mrs. Zoltoc Jelone

  • 1 ABY

    16 /4

    The Hunt for Scandiferous Chonktober
    Criminal Activity

  • 1 ABY


    Stranded in Otherspace