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Iarta System

"The Iarta System, where you can live your life how you want it. Free of persecution." ― Monia Rullen to the rest of Team Space
The Iarta System, is a six planet star system located in Wild Space. The system contained star Iarta Prime and many countries, species and technology that the wider galaxy has never seen before.  


The early governments in the Iarta System always believed in an isolationists sentiment when it came to the wider galaxy. They witnessed all the turmoil going on in the galaxy such as the Great Hyperspace War in Year 362; wanting nothing to do with that cataclysmic conflict, the governments of the early Iarta System shut themselves out from the rest of the galaxy. They did not want that conflict spreading to their borders since by the time the Great Hyperspace War ended later in 362, billions of lives had perished. Even though the Great Hyperspace War ended, the Iarta System remained closed off since more tragic conflicts began sprouting as the Sith Empire who kept disappearing then reemerging constantly butted heads with the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic. Meanwhile, the citizens of the Iarta System observed from the sidelines as the rest of the galaxy tore itself apart while they prospered. The Iarta System wouldn't relax their isolationist sentiment until the Year 4365 when the Great Peace of the Republic was already on it's third year. Despite galactic peace within the wider known galaxy, the Iarta System governments did not actively seek out travelers and new citizens. The governments remained in the system; doing their finest to not get involved with the other galactic factions since if they went to war again, they would likely drag their governments into conflict. No outside problems would trouble any of the governments of Iarta until the Year 5345 when the Damalayian Separatist Movement, supported by the Confederacy of Independent Systems laid siege to several cities within the southern region of the country, prompting a civil war. The Republic of Damalay called in assistance from the I.S.A.A and the Galactic Republic to partake in quelling the rebellion. The civil war ended in 5347 with a stalemate after the Galactic Republic requested all troops from the 97th Clone Division to report to Naboo for their next mission and the Republic of North Damalay was willing to negotiate peace with the Damalayian Separatists. In that same year, the I.S.A.A learned of what transpired on Coruscant with the Jedi Order along with other incidents across the galaxy of clone troopers slaughtering their Jedi commanders. The governments of the Iarta System upon learning of this information held an emergency meeting in Arcadio. The governments all agreed that this turn of events was utterly confusing since a month ago, clone troopers were within their borders assisting them with an active conflicts involving the C.I.S. Fearing something terribly was underway within the wider galaxy again, the meeting came to a close with all governments agreeing to once again shut the borders to their star system down.  


As of present times, the Iarta System is locked down. No one can enter and none of it's citizens can leave. The borders of the star system are guarded by fleets of capital ships and starfighters from the I.S.A.A around the clock. The only way a citizen of the Iarta System can leave is if they have special authorization which is granted to only military members of the I.S.A.A who hold a special position in their ranks. The information of these individuals who hold this authorization are kept in a database where Iarta System Border Patrol can pull up the information and know that whoever is coming into the system can be trusted. Individuals, citizens or not can enter or leave the system as long as they are accompanied by someone holding authorization. An example of this someone with this special authorization is Mon Calamari, Monia Rullen. She works within the Shadow Recon & Intelligence granting her special access to travel in and out of the Iarta System.

Astrographical Information

Wild Space
Iartara Sector (self given)
Grid Coordinates
Iarta Prime
  • Iarta
  • Kaiyn
  • Kibel
  • Moviaba
  • Stunaveen
  • Zeshos
  • Space Stations
  • Iarta Orbital Protection Station
  • Kaiyn Medical Station
  • Kaiyn Orbital Protection Station
  • Stunaveen Orbital Protection Station
  • Societal Information

    Native Species
  • Humans
  • Kai'zhuk 
  • Drekan 
  • Zepa 
  • Ad'rann
  • Vostari 
  • Population
    Over 1 trillion
  • Iarta System Armed Alliance
  • Galactic Republic(formerly)
  • Jedi Order(formerly)
  • Alliance to Restore the Republic

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