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Monia Rullen

Monia Okita (Aakvo) Rullen, is a female Mon Calamari born on the planet of Dac in the city of Grand Rapids. Her parents were Irbio and Sulni Makvo. Being a Mon Calamari here family was rather large; she has a total of nineteen siblings, ten sisters and nine brothers. Her childhood would be carefree and devoid of worry as her parents were supportive of all their children. Monia spent her time playing with her siblings and other Mon Calamari children that she and her siblings knew. Upon reaching the age of ten, Monia along with her current siblings at the time were enrolled into a private school located in their home city of Grand Rapids. She proved herself to be rather knowledgeable on the topic of ship mechanics and showed exceptional interest in becoming a pilot. She began taking extracurricular course that would further her education in those two fields of high interest. Upon entering secondary school, she would enroll herself in this school's aerospace mechanics and piloting courses. She proved herself to be impressively intelligent in both fields once more, so much so that she would be placed into advanced classes to help fine tune her skills. She would graduate in the year 5341, beginning a career as a flight instructor a month after her graduation. It was at this flight school she would meet her future husband Sequar Rullen. The two of them grew closely rather easily and quickly thanks to their shared interests of piloting and ship mechanics. Within the span of six years, Monia would have five children with Sequar after marrying him. However during those six years, two major event would transpire, impacting Monia's life greatly. The Clone Wars beginning in 5345 would spiral the galaxy into another widespread conflict. A conflict that would spread onto her home world a year later. Her father, brother and two of her sisters would take part in the fighting that happened between the Mon Calamari defenders and their Quarren adversaries who partnered with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Karkarodon. Monia stayed with the rest of her family to keep them safe while her father, brother and two sisters went out to fight. Unfortunately, the four of them would not return home safely having lost their lives in the fighting.   Years later, in 5348, the Galactic Republic along with the Jedi Order fell after. In the Republic's place rose a new galactic superpower that began subjugating most of the galaxy at the expense of many of it's citizens freedoms. During the subjugation of Mon Cala, Monia along with Sequar and their children were caught trying to escape. Monia and her husband were separated from their all of their children except their newborn boy, Loci. The three of them were handed off to an Imperial Officer named Ronis Finnall who kept them aboard his star destroyer. The two of them were tasked with performing small maintenance, starfighter repair and meaningless tasks during their time under his watch. Despite being treated better than many slaves out in the galaxy, neither of them didn't want to be there as there were things the Empire did to them that kept them in line. These ranged from policies such as being constantly under supervision, they were kept separated from each other to avoid conspiring about escape and they were only allowed to see their baby, Loci once a week for an hour. To make things worse for Monia the commanding officer of the ship, Ronis was a complete pervert towards her. He would constantly make unwanted erotic and suggestive comments about her and inappropriately touch her whenever he wanted. This behavior of his would unsurprisingly see him get punched in the face by Monia's husband which resulted in him sending him and their baby boy away out of anger. Monia, now totally isolated and unsure what is to come of her now kept to herself. She only talked when she was spoken to and completed tasks asked of her to the best of her abilities to avoid punishment from her captors. Being separated from her family entirely saw her often crying herself to sleep as she was anxious over where they were at and how they were possibly being treated. Monia's standing with her Imperial captors would reach it's boiling point during one lonely night for her. The Imperial star destroyer had docked on the planet of Lafra for resupply and Monia was in charge of fixing faulty wiring in one of the ship's many supply closets. She was unsupervised during this time which was a nice refreshing change for her as she had always been under constant watch by the Imperials. This peace and quiet would come to an end when she was pushed to the ground from behind. Upon rotating her body so her back is facing the ground, she saw that it was Ronis who brought her to the ground. Instincts kick in and Monia begins to fight back. Monia ended up escaping her grapple with Ronis and proceeded to knock him unconscious. Before she could even process everything that had transpired, stormtroopers had burst into the vicinity and detained her. They dragged her away and threw her into a solitary confinement cell for what she did.   Monia was kept in solitary confinement for several hours. She was in contact with nobody other than her inner thoughts. It would be in this cell where she fell into a mental breakdown after her inner thoughts convinced her that this was the end of the line for her. Monia laid on the floor, crying her eyes out, wishing that her family had made it off Dac and living out the rest of their lives in peace. She essentially cried herself to sleep on the solitary cell floor only to wake up hours later to the sound of alarms. The sudden noise immediately jolted her to a stand as her mind was trying to process what was happening. Minutes later, the sounds of blaster fire followed by automatic gunfire were nearing her location. This wasn't a drill or an alarm test, the star destroyer was being raided. Since she couldn't go anywhere, Monia resorted to hunkering down in her cramped cell and hoping whoever the raiding party was paid her no attention. Panic crept it's way back into her mind when the sounds of the firefight were in her cell block. Monia at this point was on the verge of another panic attack as she had no clue what faction this raiding party that decided to lay siege to a docked Imperial star destroyer belonged to. They could of been slavers, a hostile military force, a rebel cell, or an unknown faction from the outer regions of the galaxy; Monia didn't really know at the time other than the fact they were laying siege to this Imperial ship. Another minute passed and the blaster and gunshots in her immediate vicinity stopped. She would stay completely silent in her cell and just listen for the anything that would give her and indication as to who this faction was whether it be through radio chatter, a callsign, or conversation. However, she couldn't hear anything because the solitary confinement cell was soundproof. Her panic increased and she began to sweat profusely and shutter uncontrollably; the door to her cell would open and instinctively she began to scream. Shutting her eyes and screaming, begging whoever stepped into her cell not to kill her or worse enslave her like the Empire had done. She would be brought back down to reality by a calming male voice telling her everything was alright. Upon opening her eyes there was a human man perhaps in his 40s crouched beside her trying to console her. He told her they he was here to get her off the ship and to somewhere safe. Monia was at a loss of words due to the number of emotions she was going through; all she was able to do was gaze at the man and shutter in fright. The man clearly saw that she was in serious distress and told her he was going to get her out of there and asked if it was okay if he carried her out. Monia nodded to the man after a few seconds of silence and he picked her up before carrying her out of the star destroyer. He carried her roughly a mile away to a remote forest clearing where another flagship had been docked; he set her down in the infirmary where a medic apart of this man's team began to check her for injuries. The man who rescued her stayed alongside her, making conversation as of means to calm her down. The man identified himself as Khan Gideon of the Exodus Protection Corp and Monia introduced herself to even. Khan was curious about how she ended imprisoned by the Imperial so he asked her about it. She explain to him how she ended up in that prison cell, starting from her family's attempted escape from Dac all the way to her sexual assault at the hands of Ronis. She began to tear up as she also confessed to him about the Empire splitting her family apart; her husband and children taken away to unknown locations in the galaxy. Khan sympathized with her and promised that he'll do anything he can to help locate and rescue her family. Khan's ship departed from the area after the rest of Khan's group made it back to the ship.   Monia would learn a lot about the Exodus Protection Corp from Khan during their trip back to Iarta System where the organization's base of operations was located. They were a budding private military company that were dedicated to providing assistance to innocent civilians of the Iarta system. What fascinated her about the organization was that Exodus was independent, having no ties to any political or military faction within the system. Monia expressed her desire to join the organization to Khan as she had nothing to her name; whatever possessions she still had were back on Imperial occupied Dac with her mother and siblings. Khan understood her fully and guided Monia through the process of joining Exodus. She would graduate their basic training after four months with intentions on becoming a commissioned officer within the Shadow Recon & Intelligence (SRI) branch. Upon completing her Further Position Training on the fundamentals of being an officer within the SRI, she would be assigned to the 1st Special Fighter Group as second-in-command. Monia remained with the 1st Special Fighter Group for the next 8 years before she opted to branch away to perform solo operations. Her next several years running solo operations granted Exodus and nations with the Iarta System Armed Alliance valuable intelligence about the Galactic Empire, pirate factions, slaver organizations and even the rebel alliance.   Monia's life would see yet another dramatic shift in the Year 5362 when she was teleported to an unfamiliar planet in the blink of an eye. Before being whisked away from the galaxy she knew, she had been conducting a mission on Tatooine which involved the surveillance of the Imperial presence on the planet. She found herself in a desert canyon which bewildered her initially since she was on a desert planet. It became apparent that she wasn't on a planet native to the galaxy when a large golden colored dragon descended upon her. This frightened her as she had no idea if this dragon was trying to eat , kill or simply look at her but she took cover in a nearby alcove where she was positive the dragon couldn't reach her. She would be shocked and confused when the gold dragon began to speak to her. The dragon was able to convince her to emerge from her hiding spot and she would join the sentient creature in a conversation. The dragon by the name of Slyphneir, mentioned to Monia that the reason he descended upon her was he had never seen an individual like her before and was fascinated to learn about her along with the rest of her species. They chatted for several minutes to get to know one another before Slyphneir granted clerical magic powers to her; these powers allowed her to provide support such as healing, blessing and or protection to not only herself but to anyone she may pick up as companions. Slyphneir left shortly after bestowing some of his magic but he informed her that if she ever found herself in a situations where he needed his assistance, do not be afraid to call upon arrival. As she watched the huge golden dragon fly off to the horizon, she heard a commotion close by. It didn't take her long to find the source of the noise as it was only a few dozen meters around a rocky corner of the canyon. A female Gungan and a hulking male Trandoshan were battling against a group of small dinosaurs to rescue a human boy they were trying to drag away. Monia stepped in the assistance them, dispatching the raptors and even healing the boy's leg of the injuries he sustained. The four of them had no time to introduce each other as they heard a roar of in the distance that Monia was able to confirm wasn't from Slyphneir. The four of them introduced themselves once they had escaped the canyon into another section of this purgatory they had been whisked into. Monia would act as the de-facto leader of this adventuring group due to her experience as an officer within a military organization. Bruzak, the Trandoshan would act as the group's second commander in the chance Monia were to be captured or killed. The four of them manage to find an exit out of the purgatory which landed them on the eastern side of Fundekein which was the current planet they were on. Louis, the human boy, was a native to the planet and was able to give the rest of the group an approximation as to where their current location was on the planet.   After an hour long walk along the coastline, her group found themselves at one of Fundekein's elusive landmarks, the World Tower. This strange tower was said to hold properties that could allow them to escape the planet's surface if they had the correct artifact to utilize when inside the tower. Monia and her team weren't the only people at the tower. It seems that a militaristic but friendly faction had set up a base camp around the tower. They made contact with the leader of the group. Monia and Bruzak did most of the talking to them and were asked to help them find a way off the planet as well. With a common goal that they could achieve together, she set off with her team to the city of Reiss where they could gather details from the local guild as to where a plane shifting artifact was located. The local guild in Reiss pointed them to the Astral Mountain Range where a plane shifting artifact was said to be laying in wait for someone to take it. While they were at the guild, they hired the help of a local adventurer named Claire who was more than willing to help them retrieve the artifact. Her group set off for the mountains which took several days to reach due to traveling on foot. Inside the mountain, they discovered that the staff was being held by a settlement of Void Fae who used it to travel to a different plane. Their time at the village quickly become heated as strange creatures broke through the gates of the village which was followed up by Claire attempting to take the staff for herself. Monia watched as Louis challenged Claire to a one-on-one fistfight that she gracefully accepted. Claire ended up easily defeating Louis after transforming into a secondary form that Louis couldn't compete with. Claire would be subdued by Bruzak and Kosi while she tended to an unconscious Louis. Claire was thrown into the Astral Plane after being subdued and Louis had awakened shortly after. Monia and her team grabbed the staff and escorted the surviving Void Fae out of cave so they can resettle somewhere less compromised.   The journey back to Reiss lasted several much like the trip to the mountains. Monia and her friends stayed the night in Reiss to wind down for a single night before heading back to the World Tower. They left in morning and made it back to the tower quicker than they anticipated after an encounter with a Couatl. Upon making it back to the base camp at the tower, they found the entire population of the camp had been slaughtered, not a single soul left aside from a strange man dressed in black sitting at the base of the tower. Confronting the man immediately resulted in them getting brutally attacked. Monia quickly recognized the uniform that the man was wearing; he was an Imperial Inquisitor. The man began to choke Monia using the Force while attacking Kosi and Bruzak with his signature Inquisitor Lightsaber. Louis, witnessing his friends that he's grown to love as family slowly being killed tried his hardest to land a hit on the man to stop his wraith but he was outclassed by the dark side force user. Bruzak suffered a fatal impale to the heart which sparked an agonizing scream from Louis that caused her on the brink of passing out to cast a full heal on the Trandoshan. Bruzak stood back up after nearly passing away from his injury to finish off the Inquisitor in the same manner that nearly killed him; sword impaled through the heart. The team gathered their thoughts for several minutes after the fight came to a close; Monia helped console Louis as he was terribly upset that he was unable to do nothing against the Inquisitor. Once they had their thoughts collected, they headed into the tower and activated the artifact using the pedestal in the center floor of the tower.   The World Tower when paired with the artifact performed exactly like locals said it would, it beamed Monia and her team off the planet's surface and into what appeared to be a spaceship. They proceeded to investigate their area and discovered that it was a space station inhabited by people who didn't really take to kindly to their presence. Monia and her team were apprehended by the station's security team. After spending some time in the holding cells, scientists from the station came to talk with her and her teammates. From what they were told, scientists aboard the station were researching a virus that was present on the surface of Fundekein and how it could be combated. The scientists tested Monia and her friends to check if they were infected with the virus; both her and Kosi were completely clean meanwhile Bruzak and Louis were infected. Since they weren't infected with the virus, Monia and Kosi got to stay outside the holding cells. Their stay on the station would last a few months, Monia used much of her time to read the books that were in the library. The station would fall under a threat after an alleged hostile ship entered the space stations area of operation. Officers onboard the station requested the helped of Monia's team to help fight off the the alleged hostile ship. Initially, they unanimously agreed to fight against them however when they pressed the station's officers for aid, they were denied. Regardless, Monia and her team boarded an escape pod that launched them into the hull of the hostile ship. They had a moment of reconcile after disembarking from the escape pod. Each of them spoke about their suspicions of Elysium's staff and some of the strange things they heard or saw throughout their time there. Monia made the decision that involved speaking with the so called "hostiles" that Elysium was claiming to get another side of the story that they weren't being told. Making contact with the denizens of the ship, the Creetis, led Monia to drop all affiliations with Elysium. The Creetis informed her that Elysium were indeed researching the virus however they had no plans to eradicate it. Instead, they were planning to utilize the virus as a biological weapon. Monia and her crew collaborated with the Creetis to launch a counter attack against Elysium and take control of the station. The operation ultimately ended in success for the Creetis and them however the space station's orbital drive system was disabled which caused the structure to fall to the planet's surface mere minutes after the operation ended. Monia and her crew were thanked by the surviving Creetis for their alliance and welcomed them back whenever they would cross paths again. Netero Faanjj, one of the Creetis that fought alongside them during the siege asked Monia if he could join them in their adventures as he was fascinated by the idea of exploring a completely new expansion of the universe. Monia and her crew set towards the galaxy most of them called home to start a new chapter of their life.  

Physical Appearance

Monia is a female Mon Calamari standing at a height of 5'11 and weighing around 155 pounds. Her smooth skin is teal in color with dark green splotches across her body. She has a high domed head and webbed hands much like other Mon Calamari in the galaxy and goggle-like eyes that are light blue in color. She doesn't have hair as it's impossible for her species to grow hair due to their biology however she does have tentacle-like appendages sprouting from the back of her head that are reminiscent of hair. These tentacle-like appendages don't stick up under any circumstance and instead dangle down, draping over the skin of Monia's head. Her webbed hands have three suction cup-like holes with five fingers ending in claw tips. Her feet are flipper shaped and fit comfortably into humanoid footwear. Her chin features three small barabels that sprout on Mon Calamari as they age. Being a female, Monia has breasts that are average in size. She often keeps her skin moisturized with natural lotions tailored toward her species as being an aquatic alien out of water most of the time dries her skin out. Additionally, Monia keeps herself clean with personal hygiene being one of her largest standards.  


Monia's choice of clothing is nothing special. She prides herself on wearing clothing that is simple, modest and works as intended; fashion trends showcasing clothing that is overly lavish or revealing just doesn't attract her. Monia typically wears polo shirts, knit short or long sleeve shirts, khaki or dark colored jeans as standard everyday casual wear. During winter months where she lives, she will often wear turtleneck sweaters, an overcoat, padded pants, gloves, a fur cap and face covering to keep herself warm. When it is time for her to sleep, she will opt to wear soft fabric pants, gym shorts and a cami to bed. The cleanliness of her clothing is another attribute that she tends to look after during her daily life, similar to her personal hygiene. While, she doesn't mind getting her hands or clothes dirty from time to time, she would prefer not to ruin any of her good clothing from hard work.  

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


Her personality makes her an incredibly faithful companion to have. She is described as being respectful, courteous and accepting of anybody regardless of gender, sexuality, age, and background as long as they aren't a vile individual. Monia has even proven herself to be very motherly towards those dearest to her even when they aren't biologically related. A primary example of this motherly affection towards someone would be her relationship with Louis van Noven. With the statuses of her own children still unknown to this day, Monia has ached and yearned for the chance to baby and coddle a child again. Upon meeting, Louis during their early adventures with Bruzak and Kosi searching for a passage way off Fundekein; she connected with Louis's fearfulness and uneased behavior that she wanted to hold him close so he could feel safe in this new environment far away from home. Monia saw how young Louis was which reminded her of Loci, her youngest son as they both were the same age. This connection led her to begin speaking and treating the boy as if he was her own son.

Interests & Dislikes

Monia's interests tend to be more traditional compared to the social normal that populates today's society. She loves spending quality time with those who are near and dear to her; partaking in activities such a tabletop game, holomovie watching or even just a pleasant conversation. While she does see the purpose in why people utilize computers, datapads and or phones for entertainment purposes, she prefers to use her devices for nothing other than work, browsing the web or photographing memories to remember. She is more than willing to partake in activities suggested by her family or close friends even if she hadn't engaged in those activities in the past. Personal hobbies of Monia include cooking, photography, writing and sewing. Cooking, photography and sewing were hobbies she had picked up from her mother as she also shared such hobbies. Writing sparked an interest in her after watching Louis create a personal diary detailing events throughout his journey since being teleported away from home; buying and jotting down her daily thoughts and experiences in a journal.   Dislikes for Monia are pretty much universal with those around her. Individuals who are rude or outright disrespectful are shunned by her including those who deal in extremely taboo professions such as slave trader or smuggler. Additionally, Monia hates people who act perverted or outright creepy to others especially herself. The past experiences with Imperial Officer, Ronis Finnall. Fighting her way out of being sexually assaulted has left her hoping she never has to encounter someone as perverted as Ronis again. If a similar person were to cross paths with Monia and make an advances towards her, the response they will receive from Monia will certainly not be the response they hoped she would give; it might even result in bodily harm towards them.

Mental Trauma

Present day Monia is a caring kind hearted woman who wants nothing more than to assist and provide those around her especially those who closest to her. Beneath her smiling face, motherly demeanor, and accepting personality lies someone who is internally suffering from the consequences of past events and yearning for relief. Nobody outside of her own family knows about her internal mental struggles not even her three closest friends she is in command of. Past family deaths during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Empire separating both her and her husband from their children as well as pressing the two of them into forced servitude aboard an Imperial vessel constantly has Monia wishing for the safe return of her husband and children.   The beginnings of Monia's mental trauma had sprouted in the Year 5346, a year after the outbreak of the Clone Wars. During the Confederacy of Independent System's Invasion of her home world, her father, Irbio, brother, Daertai, and sisters, Shahlia and Yusmel would all be discovered dead after the end of the attack. All four of them were killed in action by opposing forces. Despite deaths being felt less keenly in Mon Calamari culture due to their high spawn rate, the deaths of the four of them members shook the rest of the family. Monia was one of the family members who was hit the hardest by the deaths of her close relatives as she herself played an active role during the invasion. Her occupation as a flight instructor during this time saw her using shuttles to evacuate civilians before switching over to a starfighter to help fight off against the incoming droid threat. Hearing about the deaths of her four close family members had her wishing she could of done something to change that outcome. As of today, she has mostly moved on from this event. She still mourns her family members to this day and hopes that she is making them proud.   The next and what Monia would consider the worst time of her life would happen years later in 5348. After the Galactic Empire rose to power in place of the Republic, they launched a military operation on her home planet of Dac. The Empire knowing what a valuable asset her planet was to their plans, sought to annex it with force. Many Mon Calamari fought back against the second wave of invaders while many others made attempts to flee the planet. Monia and her family were one of the many who were trying to flee the Imperial threat. As much as Monia wanted to stay and fight back against the Empire, she had already spawned five children with Sequar and didn't want them to grow up without a mother in case she happened to be killed. As such, Monia had chosen to just flee instead of fight and the rest of her family were swift to follow behind her. During takeoff procedure, the ship being piloted by both her and her husband had been intercepted before the ship could even leave the ground. Getting caught by the Empire resulted in them being arrested by the Imperials placed into a cramped cell awaiting for the subjugation of Mon Cala to cease being their punishment was decided. When the invasion ended with a Galactic Empire victory, the punishment for the Rullen family had been determined. Both her and Sequar would watch in horror as they were detained while they watched their five children be whisked away from them, getting shipped of to some unknown destination in the galaxy.   Monia and Sequar were spared from any hard manual labor due to their experience as flight instructors. They were instead employed aboard an Imperial star destroyer to work as lowly maintenance workers who were tasked with fixing small things primarily wall paneling and wiring within the confines of the ship. They were still treated poorly by the Imperials, often getting shouted at or threatened however both were thankful to not be wasting away in some cesspool mining material for slavers. One day, Sequar would be forcefully separated from Monia, having been told he will be employed somewhere else in the galaxy. Sequar as well as Monia resisted as they did not want to be alone without each other. This ploy was futile as they were easily overpowered and split from each other's presence. The next few days for Monia were filled with utter fear, anxiety and uncertainly of the future. First, she loses her father and three siblings to the Separatist Droid Army, then the Empire takes her precious children away and now her beloved husband; she believed they were trying to drive her insane. She was already at rock bottom since none of her children were safely with and Sequar was the only person preventing her from losing herself. On the third day since her husband's forced reassignment, the Commander of the ship, Ronis Finnall had crept up on an alone Monia and initiated an attempt to sexually assault her. She had been tackled from behind and would find herself pinned down by the Imperial officer while her face was being pushed into the floor. Despite being caught by surprise, Monia was able to resist and eventually overpower Ronis before knocking him out cold with her own fists. Shaken but unharmed, Monia would be dragged off by stormtroopers who entered a few dozen seconds after knocking Ronis out and throw her into a solitary confinement cell. This event would be cemented in her mind for perhaps the rest of her life. It is believed that this event is the reason behind her motherly nature towards Louis. His presence reminded Monia of her youngest son, Loci who is the same age as Louis. During the early adventures of Team Space, Monia acted as a mother figure to Louis since he was far away from his biological mother. She maintained a watchful and protective eye over the boy during their travels. Whenever Louis felt scared, uncomfortable, upset or angry, she could be there to comfort and console him.   Being an operative for a special operations branch of a private military organization is very dangerous work that often has Monia along with her team conducting missions deep within hostile territory. Monia fully understands that each mission she does very well could be the last one she every does. She frequently sees combat, engaging in mostly ranged combat with hostile factions such as the Galactic Empire, space pirates or hostile smugglers. While she enjoys her line of work, her career has caused her to develop feelings of uncertainty as she goes about her daily life. One minute she could be sitting with her loved ones eating some lunch and some madman or criminal could approach them trying to end their life. There are moments where she finds herself stressed out or on edge depending on information she knows on what is about to happen next. Whenever these stressful moments push her over her limit, she will break down into panic attacks or intense sadness. Monia absolutely hates it when she has these mental breakdowns. They rarely happen to her but when they do she always wishes she could make them disappear as soon as they sprout. She makes attempts to ensure she never lets her stress level push her over the edge by partaking in activities that she enjoys doing.

Knowledge & Skills


Monia has proven herself to be quite the intelligent woman. Her parents would enroll her into the Shining Seas Private School Campus when they began to watch Monia display a high level of potential at a young age. As she grew older, she would eventually transfer to Shining Sea's Secondary School where she would attend classes until her graduation in 5341. After her graduation, she began a month long training course that granted her a career as a flight instructor at a regional spaceport in Grand Rapids. When she was recruited into the Exodus Protection Corp, she initially began as a pilot in their air force before she switched to special operations. Monia's prowess and knowledge saw her receive encouragement from her recruiter to enlist as an officer to which she gladly accepted.   Monia is incredibly knowledgeable in fields such as piloting both space-faring and atmospheric aircraft, aircraft maintenance, infiltration, sabotage, and espionage. Basic and amateur piloting courses were taught to Monia during much of her time in her private school as well as maintenance and repair of aircraft. Other school subjects she excelled at include science, math and history.

Blaster Skills

The ability to wield and shoot blaster was taught to her by the age of 12. Her father being a soldier within the Mon Calamari Defense Forces wanted to ensure she at least knew the basics of the inner mechanics of blasters as well as the safe operation of them. She wouldn't actually get to shoot one until the age of 15 when her father decided she was finally old enough. Monia followed her father's teachings to a tee and practices safe weapons operation no matter what type of weapon she is using. Naturally with plenty of practice shooting with her family, she gained a familiarity with how blaster operated and how to operate different types depending on their size. Her blaster skills would be put to the test when the Clone Wars broke out as she has only shot at inanimate targets that before the war began. She would prove to be a pretty decent marksman, doing nothing spectacular but certainly getting the job done.   Monia's blaster marksmanship wouldn't gradually improve until she joined the Exodus Protection Corp where they also introduced her to operating firearms. Exodus took what skills Monia already had and introduced her to more challenging scenarios that would test her marksmanship. While she acknowledges it was rather difficult having to complete something that she was sure was way out of her league, Monia walked away with better marksmanship.  

Driving Skills

When she was rescued by the Exodus Protection Corp and brought to the Iarta system, she entered a society that still utilized wheeled vehicle technology. She was born and raised in a world where wheeled vehicles were non existent as they were considered obsolete. During her basic training with the private military organization, she would learn how to drive many different types of these cars so she could get a feel for how they drove. These cars handled way differently than speeders. She obviously knew that because cars had wheels that touched the ground that they were going to not drive like a speeder however the experience still surprised her.

Firearm Skills

Firearms are rare but do appear out in the wider galaxy. Monia would  come to know this as she grew older but never has she seen a region of the galaxy that still heavily relied on them until she enlisted in the Exodus Protection Corp. Feeling ballistic recoil from a firearm for the first time is a moment she will never forget. Much like her blaster skills, Monia's accuracy when operating a firearm is above average. It's nothing particularly impressive but it doesn't fail to deliver.

Melee Skills

Around the same time she would be taught how to shoot blasters, Monia would also be shown how to effectively use a few types of melee weapons. Lances, daggers and maces were the weapons of choice that her parents showed young Monia how to use in combat. Upon being teleported to the realm of Fundekein, Monia would be introduced to another variety of melee weapons types such as swords, war hammers and battle axes. The time she spent on Fundekein also showed her the power of magically enchanted weapons and how absolutely deadly they can be.

Unarmed Skills

When the gap is closed and melee weapons become broken, the only weapon left is fisticuffs. Monia has self taught herself throughout her time in life on martial arts that could keep her safe in close quarters combat. Her time spent during Exodus basic training only further improved her skills and allowed Monia to become a force to be reckoned in melee combat. 

Magic Prowess

The first person or to better put it entity she met when she was seemingly whisked away from her home and straight into the world of Fundekein is the Golden Dragon, Slyphneir, a minor God within this new world. Slyphneir was very intrigued by Monia's appearance as Mon Calamari do not exist in this world the dragon lived in. Fascinated by Monia's presence and wanting to help her out in this alien world she found herself in Slyphneir bestowed Monia with some of his clerical magic. The magic gifted to Monia by the mighty Golden Dragon were magical support spells that could help prolong her or an ally's survival. As Monia traveled throughout the world, growing stronger and stronger each and every day, she would learn different spells. Removing curses, speaking any language in the world, summoning elementals to fight, fully healing all of her teammates at once and even resurrecting deceased people, Monia has a large variety of support spells along with a few destructive spells to help her gain the advantage in combat.    Slyphneir being a Minor Clerical God is a deity of the Protection Domain which direct their followers to safeguard the weak from evil and to protect those around them. This domain with much time and patience bestowed Monia with powerful domain spells that could save her life or another one's life in a deadly situation.

Personal Info

Mon Cala
Current Age
Date of Birth
12 Bovird 5323
Place of Birth
Grand Rapids, Mon Cala


Mon Calamari
145 Ibs
Skin Color
Orange w/ dark spots
Eye Color
Light blue
Body Type

Military Service

Iarta System Armed Alliance
Exodus Protection Corp
Exodus Air Force (formerly)
Shadow Recon & Intelligence
Team Space
Years of Service
Senior Lieutenant
Clone Wars
Imperial Subjugation of Mon Cala
Operation Pest Control
Siege of the Fortress


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