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A Trandoman is an incredibly rare and undocumented hybrid species between a Trandoshan and a Human native from the planet of Fundekein. Trandomans are considered omnivorous, being able to eat just about everything that is edible. Due to the absence of the species in the galaxy, it is only speculated how they appear. At the moment, there is only one Trandoman in existence and their appearance is mostly human. Since they possess genetics from both Humans and Trandoshans, Trandomans inherit qualities from both parent species such as a humanoid vocal structure, limb regeneration and thermal vision. As of the present day, researchers haven't discovered this rare, technically near extinct, hybrid species and as such much of the information about them is unknown and left up to speculation using factors that humans and Trandoshans harbor.



Trandomans are a rare sentient species that fall into either one of two subtypes, Human-dominant or Trandoshan-dominant. Human-dominant Trandomans look almost identical to a Humans with a mostly hairless body, two arms and two legs. Human-dominants may inherit bodily features that are present in their Trandoshan parents such as horns, scale patches, sharp triangular teeth, rigid facial spines and green colored blood but there is also a possibility they will only inherit one feature in the case of Louis van Noven who only has green colored blood. Human-dominants maintain a mostly human appearance with standard humanoid eyes with rounded pupils, smooth skin, hair, and five digit hands and feet. One feature that Human-dominants Trandomans will lack is body hair due to their genetics; if one does possess body hair it will be less prominent than what can be found on the average human. Additionally, their vocal cords allow them to learn the Trandoshan language of Dosh far easier than a typical human. Trandoshan-dominants, like their Human-dominant counterpart maintain a mostly Trandoshan with scales, horns, rigid facial spines, three digit claws and feet and blood that is green in color. Trandoshan-dominants have the possibility of inheriting bodily features that is present on a human being. These features can range from humanoid eye colors, rounded pupils, stubbier teeth, and even hair. One noticeable feature that differs a Trandoshan-dominant Trandoman from their reptilian parent is their height which is comparable to a human.   Trandomans have the ability to mate with both full blooded humans and Trandoshans due to their genetics. If two Trandomans were to mate with each other, their offspring will be dependent on what subtype the mother is much like a full blooded Trandoshan mating with a female Fundian human or vice versa.  


Trandomans, no matter which subtype can do everything their parents can. They have the same cognitive and motor functions as both parent species. Trandomans unlike full bloodied humans are liable to inherit traits that are present in their Trandoshan parent once they grew into adulthood. These traits were either infrared vision or limb regeneration. Additionally, the bodies of Trandomans are able to heal light injuries such as abrasions and small cuts faster than the human body; this trait is present throughout their entire lifespan.   Trandomans also have the ability to learn and utilize magical powers. A prime example of this being Louis, who over the course of a year managed to learn a handful of useful magical spells. It is not known if they can be born with magical prowess however this doesn't effect their ability to learn said powers as learning time take between 5-18 days depending on the spell itself. While it isn't the same as Fundekein magic, force sensitivity in the Trandoman species is entirely possible. Louis is a force sensitive who initially mistaken it to be the magic that he's known on his homeplanet. He came to learn that these strange powers that were similar to magic were different after an encounter with an Inquisitor attempted to sway him to join the Galactic Empire under the Inquisitorius Program. Former Jedi, Jun-Jin Augara would confirm to the boy that he was force sensitive through certain circumstances that Louis experienced despite having not used any magic.


Despite having the genetic code of Trandoshan who generally have a lower lifespan than a Human, Trandomans have a lifespan that is similar to that of a Human; between 100 to 120 years. The lifestyle and diet of a Trandoman can influence their lifespan just as like as any other species in the galaxy. Trandomans were infants upon being born until reaching the age of 1 before they were considered toddlers. The toddler stage would last until the age of 3 when they grew into children. Trandomans remained as a child from the age of 3 to the age of 12. They were considered teenagers by the age of 13 and upon turning 18 they were considered a young adult. They would reach peak maturity by the age of 30 to which they were considered full fledged adults. Trandoman adulthood lasted from age 30 to age 60 when they would be considered elderly. Any Trandomans past the age of 100 would be considered venerable, having lived for so long.   Trandomans are a hybrid species that are a cross between Humans, specifically Fundian Humans and Trandoshans. Trandomans are produced sexually, requiring the mating between of an opposite sex couple to produce offspring. The birthing process differed depending on the mother's species. If the mother is a full-blooded Human or a Human-dominant Trandoman, they give birth to live young. Full-blooded Trandoshans and Trandoshan-dominant mothers lay eggs which grow at a similar rate to a live young in the womb. Trandoman eggs hatched after nine months which was similar to a Human mother's pregnancy lifecycle. Newborn Trandoshan-dominant Trandomans were larger than their Human-dominant counterparts and could even stand up and walk on their own two legs albeit clumsily.   Natural signs of aging in Trandomans is similar to Humans and Trandoshans which included the whitening or loss of hair, teeth loss, dark lines, blemishes and the wrinkling of skin, and the fading of scale color. Cognitive processes are reduced in their older age such ad losing track of time, confusing places or people, short-term memory loss and in worse situations forgetting who they are or how healthy they are.



Their looks and genetics grant Trandomans easy cohesion in the both Trandoshan and human culture. Louis doesn't even know he's technically not a full bloodied but that didn't stop him from adapting to the Havenport's culture as well as family traditions that his parents spoke of. Other members of the species could be easily tricked into thinking they are human or Trandoshan, depending on their subtype if they hold discreet features such as only having green blood or scales patches on their skin. The ability to adopt whatever culture is in front of them allows Trandomans to easily blend into society either for smoother living situations or infiltration. Louis utilized his human appearance to sneak into the Arkanis Academy deep within Imperial occupied territory to investigate the elusive Project Harvester for the I.S.A.A.   Trandomans greet everybody no matter the species or gender with respect and dignity. Individuals who are rude or down right disrespectful towards Trandomans upon greeting them will illicit a negative reaction in them which could lead to a grudge being developed. Entire factions are also susceptible to being shunned or outright vilified by Trandomans in the case of the Galactic Empire and Mercy due to their racial prejudices towards non-humans.


Trandomans follow the social norms of whatever culture they are apart of. Since they can adapt to a wide variety of cultures in the galaxy, they can fit into them even if they have a social caste system or clans. The leadership abilities of the species hasn't been shown in full since their aren't any other members besides one. However, they can show potential to become great leaders in the case of Louis who demonstrates the heart and ability to led others to success even under the most stressful situations.


There is no defined language that was written and spoken by Trandomans. Being the only one of his species as of right now, Louis speaks both Common and Galactic Basic even though their essentially the same language with the only difference being the written text. They are able to learn Dosh far easier than other sentient because of how their vocal cords are structured which are more similar to those found on Trandoshans.


Mammal / Reptilian

Physical Info

Average Height
Skin/Scale Color
Hair Color
Eye Color
100-120 years

Cultural Info

Galactic Basic Standard


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