Nista System

VNY's notes:

This system is the whole reason why the Nista Run is a possibility at all.
It is not a friendly place, though.
If you are not in-system at direct, explicit invitation of someone who runs a business (having existed for more than two standard years) in this system, then it's easiest if you blip in and update your navcomputer and go on your way.
(Anyone who knows a Jedi also probably thinks this policy might as well be a dare. Hi! How ya doin'? Life treating you well? Sure got a lot of volcanic activity in this system -- any persistent troubles from that? Filters doing okay? Need someone to do a shift of the daily drudgery so you can read a book or something? No charge! I like seeing people get a chance to rebalance themselves. Uh, actually, that was not a tax collector pun, sorry, no. It was a mystic mob pun. The tabard didn't give me away?)
First time I ever spent a night in jail for having offered to wait tables on someone else's shift.
Not sure it's the first time Ben ever spent a night in jail for having offered to cover the fry cook's shift, though. Bossman seemed to know how this sort of thing goes down.
Someone told me that "nista" is the definite singular form of a word which means food packed along to eat during travels, as in, "Here is the single meal I brought along to eat at this time." Even before Shey Tapani's day, explorers around here were saying, "I hope you packed a lunch!"
- database entry updated Natunda
Expansion Week


Holopedia Galactica entry:

The system primary is Nista, a G7 V Yellow Main Sequence star. It is a typical G7, having a radius of {8.01 x 105 km} and a luminosity of {5.95 x 1026 W}. Its sunspot cycles are well-documented and should not catch the prepared traveler unawares.
The closest orbiting body is Hvitløk, an iron-core rock planet with a trace atmosphere due to frequent volcanic activity which spews gas and fine particles into the space immediately around the planet. This material precipitates on the dark side of the world, falling back to the surface as metallic snow and renewing the planet surface. Hvitløk is oblong in shape, almost pointed on the northern axis, causing many exciting theories about celestial events in the early days of this system's formation.
Next out in orbit is the Forretter asteroid belt, orbiting at a narrow radius and a rapid period for most asteroid belts: a given body in the Forretter Belt makes one revolution in 281 standard days.
Kjøkken is the dubiously designated "terrestrial world" of this system. Its atmosphere is on the corrossive end of the "Type I Breathable" scale due to the low percentage of water and the heavy volcanic activity. Water is transported from Vann, further out in the system. Its orbital period is 503 standard days.
Kjøkken has three small moons, each of which is named "Skap". Please check numerical identification in the astrocartographic catalog to be sure of designation.
Fourth in orbit from the primary is Kurv, a standard silicate planet with no moons. Kurv is the most stable planet in this system, geologically speaking: very little tectonic shift, no active volcanoes, a strong magnetosphere and a completely unbreathable sulfuric acid atmosphere.
Rett, in the fifth orbit from the primary, is also a silicate planet with a protective magnetosphere. It shows no signs of ever having hosted life, which fits all theories regarding a world at this distance from both its primary and its secondary stars. However, several carefully-buried chambers have been found sealed in Rett's crust, each holding a different advanced alien artifact. Three of these artifacts have been determined to be solar collection sails folded down into storage. Who left them there? Why? What are the other artifacts?
Vann, the outermost planet in the Nista System, is an ice planet with a large moon known as Fryser. Both have water ice, though Fryser has more fine particles mixed through its ice which take time to filter away.
At a distance of {5.88 x 109 km} from the primary, a distant companion star named Brann orbits Nista. Brann is a K7 V Orange Main Sequence star, having a radius of {6.67 x 105 km} and a luminosity of only {1.31 x 1026 W}.
Star System
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Owning Organization

Thanks to donjon's Star System Generator for the heavenly bodies in this dual star system.


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