Promise of Night

"It is a promise to those that call themselves holy, from us, the ones they call unholy"
Eleanor Tempest
The promise of night is a poem written by an older rendition of the Order of the Nisurach Circle. The poem has evolved through time, matching the change in language.   The poem is mostly spread through word of mouth, however, certain lines can also be found hidden around Starfell, etched into the stone walls of the alleys around the city.


The Promise of Night is meant to be a secret pledge against the Church of the Lightbearer, telling of their "lies" about the demons and the martyred god, Nisurachul. The lines found throughout the city act almost as a recruiting puzzle for the more observant Fellians, and when found and put in the correct order, will direct the reader to seek the truth. 
The poem has also become a way for members to recognise eachother. The first line of the poem has become a code, often hidden within innocent conversations to confirm if the other is a member of the order.  
"What a lovely night it is isn't it? Under the sky of black and gold.."
"...A liars tale the liars told.."
"You- you are a member too?"
— Conversation from two members of the order, neither of whom knew eachother
It is also seen as a almost a beacon of hope to some. Members of the order will often say the lines to eachother, as a small and hidden act of defiance. It is regarded as proof of their existence and survival, despite the constant attacks and pressure from the The Holy Vampire Hunters and the Church of the Lightbearer.

Historical Details


The poem was written during the founding of the old Order of the Nisurach Circle as a message to those that follow the Church.


The Promise of Night is permanently etched into Starfell, although most people don't notice it. A few minutes of searching in the city can find you a line or two of the poem, carved into walls, floors, ceilings and more. There are even some lines hidden in the architecture of the Virimbale Cathedral. These hidden lines often have a huge impact on Fellians who seek out the rest, often being the way most members discover the Order.
Text, Religious
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth
Authoring Date
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by IoTheSC


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