Bell Beetles

Basic Information


Bell beetles are large, graceful insectoid grazers that are covered in natural metal plating that they excrete through their exoskeletons

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how the bell beetles reproduce or how they came to be, but Roku hypothesizes that bell beetles were genetically engineered by the Precursors to serve as living metal refineries.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bell beetles consume the metal particles in the sand on the planet Fallow, which they they process and excrete as their unique, lightweight, and extremely durable organic metal


Bell beetles are herd creatures and grazers. They have a powerful bite but are ultimately peaceful if not directly threatened. They respond positively to singing and music (probably because it resonates pleasantly in the metal plating of their exoskeletons), and will even harmonize back using their highly resonant and bellowing calls.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Bell beetles are herd grazers not dissimilar to cattle

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Bell beetles excrete a unique, lightweight, and durable organic metal not found anywhere else in the Forge.
Conservation Status
The bell beetles are extremely prolific and have overrun Fallow.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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