

Fallow is a desert world with a breathable atmosphere and a "tidal lock" (despite the lack of tides) that means one-half of the planet is locked in perpetual daylight. It has no settlements and large canyons.

Localized Phenomena

Sandstorms with very fine, sharp metal particles


Fallow is extremely hot, arid, and prone to sudden sandstorms that whip up sand that also contains very fine, very sharp metal particles, making long-term settlement and commerce a very difficult prospect

Fauna & Flora

Fallow is home to bell beetles and nothing else.

Natural Resources

The sand of Fallow is infused with very fine metal particles, which is the food source of the bell beetles that live there. The bell beetles also excrete a unique organic metal that has extreme potential for artists, engineers, and spacefarers alike, though nobody has yet made a serious attempt to harvest the metal as very few people actually know about Fallow.
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Related Reports (Secondary)
Inhabiting Species


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