Port Karma


The government of Port Karma rules with unyielding authority over a population of several thousand.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of Port Karma is agriculture. The rocky terrain of Silex is due to intense volcanic activity in the planetoid's history, which makes Silexian soil the richest in the sector.


Port Karma is an extremely technologically advanced settlement. The city has sizeable and expansive starship building facilities, as well as a tractor beam and advanced navigation system.


The architecture of Port Karma is distinctly rustic with large glass panels that are evidently hardy enough to endure constant asteroid strikes from the dense ring systems encircling the planet Silex. The city itself is contained within enormous reinforced geodesic domes, the view of which from above gives the illusion of domes filled solely with trees.   Visitors to the city often note that the city, upon first arriving, smells distinctly like wet concrete and leather. The latter is likely due to the most common mode of transportation in Port Karma being horseback and horsedrawn hoverbuggies.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Port Karmans
Location under


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