The Sacred Ascendency


Honors its fallen through unusual death rites (uploading their consciousnesses).


The Sacred Ascendency consists of augmented healers who believe in giving healing and aid to all who need it. They were already viewed with suspicion by the rest of Forge society due to being augmented, but when two rogue members of their order started uploading the consciousnesses of the fallen without their consent, that was all the rest of Forge society needed to justify banishing the Sacred Ascendency to the farthest reaches of the Outlands. It didn't even matter that the Sacred Ascendency immediately purged the aberrant members, the rest of society would not be persuaded.   The Sacred Ascendency continues their work in the far reaches of space, helping all those who need it. Most recently, however, a lot of their time, resources, and efforts have gone into hunting down a rogue AI that has escaped their containment by the name of Mimic.

Tenets of Faith

The Sacred Ascendency are augmented healers but they are still healers and they believe in giving healing and aide to all who need it
Notable Members
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