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Gem Host

A Gem Host is a person who has accepted and incorporated a Gem Shard into their body. Doing so involves making a deal with the fragment of the Elemental Lord inside, granting the host immense power in their respective domain in exchange for promising to find the remaining Gem Shards of that type.   There are four kinds of Gem Hosts, based on the fragment of the Elemental Lord contained within.   Blue Gem Hosts have incorporated a Blue Gem Shard by making a deal with Aequas, giving them power over water.   Green Gem Hosts have incorporated a Green Gem Shard by making a deal with Terres, giving them power over earth.   Purple Gem Hosts have incorporated a Purple Gem Shard by making a deal with Venteos, giving them power over air.   Red Gem Hosts have incorporated a Red Gem Shard by making a deal with Igneus, giving them power over fire.


A Gem Host is formed when a Starlon Anthro touches a gem fragment containing a fraction of an Elemental Lord's soul, and agrees to help them find the remaining gem fragments.  Doing so will cause the gem fragment to fuse with the Starlon Anthro, triggering the condition.


A Gem Host will acquire a visible growth of crystal on one or more parts of their body.  The crystal has embedded itself deep into the host, extending crystaline tendrils all throughout their body.  Removing it by force is typically fatal, as large portions of the body have been replaced with crystal.   As the host collects more gem fragments of the same type, more and more crystal forms in and on their body, until eventually, should the host collect nearly every fragment of the matching color, it practically takes over their body, and can even control their mind.   The Gem Host is unable to collect and incorporate gem fragments of a different color; indeed, it appears that the different colors repell each other, for reasons unknown.


There are two primary ways that Gem Hosts can rid themselves of the crystal; one is by attacking the crystal growth on the body with a concentrated and specifically calculated quantity of electricity.  Should the amount of electricity be correctly determined, the crystal will recoil its tendrils and pop out of the host.  This will not replace the displaced tissue, so healing magic will be necessary to keep them alive as it regrows, but this technique can work with sufficient healing.   The other method is to simply go along with collecting the gem shards.  Once all of the shards of the same color have become contained in a single individual, the gem will detatch on its own, and heal the former host as thanks.


Becoming a Gem Host is not inherently fatal; the host can in fact live just as long and fulfilling a life with the gem as without, and should they eventually pass, it will be for an unrelated reason.  It also does not affect the host in any way except for appearance and a newfound power.  However, due to its difficulty to cure, and the Elemental Lord's potentially annoying insistence on completing the task they have assigned the host, it is not recommended to become a Gem Host.
Affected Species


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