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Stellara Hero Programme

The Stellara Hero Programme, founded and run by Izuma Neidoc, is an organization dedicated to training wannabe heroes all over the Kingdom of Stellara.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Stellara Hero Programme is to train wannabe adventurers in the skills they need to not die on the job.


After the fallout of [insert previous arc here], Sammy Katon and Izuma Neidoc began to fear that something of this magnitude could one day happen again. Thus, Sammy founded the The Villain Prevention Squad - name wip to travel the land and detect any powerful foes with desire to harm before they become big and powerful and a pain to take down.   However, Sammy soon realized that not enough people were qualified to help with the task; very few people in Stellara have the training to find the appropriate targets. This is what allowed the situation to happen in the first place, after all. Thus, more heroes were needed, and so Izuma founded the Stellara Hero Programme to train them.   Working together, the Villain Protection Squad and the Stellara Hero Programme aim to make Stellara a safer place to live.
Educational, School/Academy
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
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