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Deneb Confederacy

An offshoot from a human colony that landed in the star system Deneb, xenophobic and authoritarian, but more effective at governance than its Sol counterpart.


The organization of the Confederacy is roughly feudal, with several Planetary Governors who pledge allegiance to the Confederation and pay tithes of resources and conscripts. The government is made up of the six Marshalls. 1) Grand Marshall - The ultimate power in the Confederacy rests on the Grand Marshall's Shoulders, he is the ultimate decision-maker. 2) Marshall of War - The second highest marshall in practice, but equal on paper, he is in charge of all matters of war. 3) Marshall of Science - In charge of all scientific endeavors, mostly military science. 4) Marshall of Justice - In charge of the Justice system in the Confederation 5) Marshall of Expansion - in charge of expansion 6) Marshall of Prosperity - in charge of industry and trade.


Euro-Mix, Neo-Ruski, Oriental and Martian cultures have been distilled and forged into the Terran culture within the Confederacy.

Public Agenda

The Confederacy is very distrustful of aliens but is mostly isolationist and militarist, they desire the re-unification of Humanity. (Under their rule of course)


The Confederation was founded by survivors of the Explorator Gloria colony ship after it fell into a wormhole and was deposited in the Deneb system, they managed to find a hostile, but habitable planet on Deneb III which they colonized and named New Terra, they unified and put aside their bickering as a way to survive the hostile wildlife and sapient natives. Eventually with their technology they would drive the natives to extinction and join the galactic community as a mostly feared and distrusted member.


Military service is all but required within the nation, no social mobility is available to those who have not served.


While the promoted state religion is Agnosticism, the people are free to worship their own religions as long as the religions are not alien in origin or pacifist.

Vide semper in Terra (Gaze always to Earth in Latin)

Founding Date
298 SE
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
Terran Confederation
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Terran (Only for Human Members)
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
New Terra - Home of the Confederacy Glet'nan - Occupied alien world used for industry Ceaser - Massive military planet
Confederate Credit, a small platinum rectangle, each credit is worth a single Republic credit.
Legislative Body
Any of the Marshalls may write a law, but it can be vetoed by the Grand Marshall, a Planetary governor can submit a law to the Marshalls who will vote on it.
Judicial Body
The Marshalls form a Council of the Marshalls and vote on discrepancies and conflicts in law.
Executive Body
The Marshalls are able to make and enforce laws
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Tense Peace

Denebulan Confederacy maintains a strong claim on Sol and Earth, the capital of the Sol Republic

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