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Sol Republic


On a galactic level, the Sol Republic works like a federation of smaller city-state republics. The government is broken up into four branches, the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial, and the Representative.   The Executive branch carries out all orders from the Legislative and Representative. The Legislative branch writes the laws and determines foreign policy The Judicial branch is the highest court in the Republic, it's rulings are law. The Representative branch gives the people a say, with representatives able to sit in on and relay the happenings within other branches.


As it was with old Earth, the cultures of the Sol Republic are incredibly varied, many have formed and been lost as technology and environment shifts, however here are a few of the main cultures within the Sol Republic.   Utopian-Stellar - The most prominent culture on the main worlds of the Sol Republic, is a drastic mix of many human and alien cultures, it has heavy focuses on just and equal treatment of all. Euro-Mix - A mix (if not bastardization) of the pre-stellar European cultures, with a focus on community and science. Neo-Russki - A direct descendant of Slavic and eastern-European cultures, a deeply ingrained nihilism can be seen in this culture, often referencing the old space-faring USSR cosmonauts. Martian - a culture that began growing as soon as Humans landed on Mars, this culture is highly individualistic and self-reliant; technical know-how is seen very highly by the Martians. New Worlder - culturally descendants from the new world of ancient earth, they favor exploration and colonization, and they are also individualistic to a fault. Oriental - descendant of the cultures of old Asia, heavy focus on tradition and family. Terran (Aka Denebulan) - Authoritarian culture propagated by the Deneb Confederacy, Terrans want to unite humanity and remove the rights of non-humans.

Public Agenda

As the nation is a republic its public agenda shifts with every election, but the main three tenets of their public agenda (at least what is visible to any citizens) are 1) Peace 2) Equality 3) Better lives for citizens 4) Exploration and scientific advancement 5) Peaceful Expansion


The Republic's military assets are 1 - The Republic Fleet (RSS - NAME One of the largest fleets in the area. 2 - The Republic Army; A large standing army, membership is voluntary. 3 - Sol Marines; A smaller standing army of trained soldiers used as Marines. Its civil assets are numerous, here are a few of the most known 1 - Sol Exploration Command; a civilian/paramilitary exploration organization under the nation. 2 - Bank of Titan; large bank located on the moon of Titan, keeps a large record of all expenses to attempt to balance the economy of the massive nation 3 - Sol Pony Express; The mail agency of the star-empire, using incredibly fast starships to ensure communication between planets is kept.


After the third world war the surviving nations of Earth rebuilt, and eventually decided to put aside their conflict and engage in a space race, this space race led to the economy of Earth becoming so completely intertwined that unification was reasonable. From there humanity expanded outwards to meet and join the galactic community as the Earth Republic, however, it was eventually renamed to the Sol Republic after debate surrounding the legality of the non-earth worlds of the republic.

Demography and Population

A census is done every 80 years by the Sol Census Bureau. The population of the Sol Republic is massive and ever-growing, it includes members of all species and homeworlds, but the majority is still human.


Citizens within the Sol Republic have the right to religion, yet the most popular religious beliefs in the Republic are 1 - Atheism/Agnosticism 2 - Christianity 3 - Islam 4 - Jn'arr Pantheon

Spatium, Libertas (Space, Freedom in Latin)

Founding Date
381 SE
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Earth Republic, Sol Federation, United Earth
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Sol - Capital Planet of the Republic Mars - The oldest colony of the republic, an economic powerhouse New Eden - Old colony on Alpha Centauri IV, large population and the breadbasket of the early republic Gloria - A smaller planet with a large military presence and culture Threndan - Large industrial base planet, working conditions debated.
The Earth-Credit is a small platinum coin that can also be transferred electronically. Each credit is based on 0.5kw
Legislative Body
The Legislative branch, also known as the Sol Senate makes the decisions for the nation, each planet sends a single senator, and the Senators then vote on the Prime Senator, who leads the event. Senators serve for a term of 10 years and can only serve 2 terms.
Judicial Body
The Judicial branch consists of the Grand Court, where elected members serve 8-year terms as the highest judges in the land, all rulings are clear and free for any citizen to sit in on, provided they can provide proof of citizenship, Grand Judges can only serve for 3 terms.   Although not directly under the branch, the Representative branch holds the power to hold a referendum to overturn any ruling made by the Grand Court. Its members serve only a single ten year term.
Executive Body
The Executive branch consists of the Presidency and most government agencies and organizations, it is by far the largest of the branches. The Armed Forces, Law enforcement, Construction, Colonization and Exploration fall under this branch. The president serves for a 10-year term, of which they can have two (or four if selected by national referendum).
Controlled Territories
Related Species


Tense Peace

Denebulan Confederacy maintains a strong claim on Sol and Earth, the capital of the Sol Republic

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