
Once considered to be a part of Aerenwae,  Abbatuor fell into ruin about the same time that eastern Diemed was depopulated. The Aerenwean rangers patrolled this area at infrequent intervals for hundreds of years before their diminishing numbers forced them to give up their patrols.
When Daen Roesone returned to this area, Abbatuor was a haven for outlaws and cutthroats of the worst kind, and dangerous brigands and monsters still lurk in the forest's deeper reaches.

The chief town of Abbatuor is Abbadiel, a small settlement and port at the mouth of the Spider River. Abbadiel was once a notorious pirates' haven, but now it's home to more fishermen than buccaneers.
Several of Abbadiel's more ambitious merchants have begun to log and clear the surrounding land, despite bitter debate over any kind of logging in the Erebannien. The land within five miles of the river has already been cleared (and a good deal of forest has been trimmed within 10 miles), making an odd "break" in the Erebannien until the forest resumes again on the other side of the Spider River in Ilien.
Abbadiel is becoming an important port along the Southern Coast, and it still has a reputation as a place where customs inspections can be avoided for the right price.
The road known as Talmoere's Pike leads from Abbadiel to Talmoere's Ferry, a trading post and crossroads near the border with Duerlin. It costs 2 coppers a head to use the Pike, or 5 for a horse or wagon. The ferry is a little more expensive. The Spider River's about half a mile wide at this point, and a crossing costs 5 cp per head, plus 1 sp per mount or axle of a wagon.
Talmoere's Ferry and Talmoere's Pike were built by an ambitious fellow more than 30 years ago(1621MA his family still owns and operates them both.
A rough trail south of Talmoere's Ferry leads east for nearly 20 miles to the freestead of Bardenhold. Old Nae Barden is the head of a clan of almost 30 Bardens, plus more than 50 other folk. When none of the baron's men are around, they trade with any outlaws or smugglers who happen by.
There are a few more settlements along the Spider and Talmoere's Pike, but there are no human habitations more than 10 miles from the river; the rest of Abbatuor is the flourishing Erebannien, and only a few outlaws and foresters choose to live there.

the captain
Abbatuor is governed by the royal captain Tael Brosuine (MA; F4; unblooded), in the name of the Black Baron. Tael Brosuine is descended from a pirate lord named Brosuine Galehand, whose thugs ran Abbadiel as a criminal operation. Daen Roesone gave the Lord Captain the choice of swearing fealty and keeping his lands and his head, and Brosuine wisely chose to accept Roesone as his lord. The old pirate's descendants still hold this land in the name of Roesone. Tael is devoting his efforts towards getting in on the profits of an expansion into the Erebannien.

the Storm Tower
A ruined lighthouse and tower stands on the southernmost cape of Roesone, surrounded by the densest part of the Erebannien. It is an old elven ruin that has never been fully explored, and it's rumored that a powerful wizard once lived here. Supposedly, powerful secrets of elven magic wait to be discovered in the ruins.
The Storm Tower is clearly visible from the sea, but the coast is too rocky to attempt any landings here. It is difficult to find the tower from land, since no trails lead to the cape it sits on. Local guides in Abbadiel can take a traveler to the site, for a suitable sum. It should be noted that the last group of adventurers to enter the tower did not return