
Archduchy of Avonlae Archduke Aerie Boeruine   • Law: Aerie Boeruine, Archduke of this domain, owns all the law of the land; no one else has even a holding here.

• Temples: The Northern Imperial Temple of Azimir and the Hidden Temple of Cuiraecen struggle over the spirits of Boeruine's people. The two faiths strive particularly vehemently this far north in Avonlae, and bloodshed has actually broken out between the two ostensibly good-aligned religions.

• Guilds: Guilders Gaelin Thuried of Dhoesone, Storm Holtson of Stjordvik, and Arien Borthein of Boeruine control each of the rival guilds of Boeruine. Since the archduke keeps Borthein under his thumb, his laws and tariffs naturally favor the local guildmaster. The other two keep hanging on, doing their best to wring the last drop of gold from the land before Boeruine's laws evict them for good.

• Sources: The mage Arlen Innis controls the magic of Boeruine, and the archduke controls the mage. Innis allows Boeruine to protect his sources against the influence of Darien Avan's insidious pet mage, the Count of Taeghas south. Innis wishes to expand his control beyond Boeruine, but the archduke hesitates to allow him that power. Friction looms on the horizon.   Army: Boeruine boasts the third-largest army in Avonlae; only those of Ghoere and Avanil surpass this Western force. The archduke maintains a stance of war-readiness at all times, in the face of the threats presented by the Manslayer, the Five Peaks, and Avan's armies in Taeghas. Boeruine's forces comprise:
• 4 units of archers.
• 2 units of artillerists.
• 4 units of infantry.
4- 3 units of elite infantry
. • 3 units of knights.
• 3 units of pikemen.
• 3 units of scouts.

Regent: Aerie Boeruine, Archduke of Boeruine, numbers among the most powerful of Avonlae's current rulers. He claims to be born of a derivation of Roele's bloodline, making him the heir to the Iron Throne. As the other claimants to the throne dispute his genealogy, the archduke has little hope of taking the much coveted Iron Throne peacefully. Boeruine, however, does not seem to care. His strong bloodline boosts his surpassing faith in his destiny, and the archduke feels as carve an empire for himself with sword as with the diplomatic pen. He uses kingly edict or knightly steel to topple those who would stand in his way, considering his rise to the Iron Throne paramount. Good and law will arise from this ascension, he knows. The regent won't wait much longer before making a bold move toward the Imperial City. Already he seeks to claim the throne of Avanil.

A firm believer in reciprocation, Boeruine always repays a favor done for him—or a harm done to him—no matter what the cost. Few would willingly cross the archduke, and those that have done so regret it. He treats his people in the same spirit of fairness, answering their needs with laws. He taxes them moderately, but demands their absolute loyalty.

• Lieutenants: Boeruine's lieutenants are regents themselves: the mage Innes (MA; W7; Vo, minor, 19: LN) and Guildmaster Arien (MA; T3; Re, minor, 14; CN) each have their own domains but swear fealty to the archduke. He doesn't care how they accomplish the tasks he sets for them—just that they do so. Though these lieutenants resent his heavy-handed rule, they real- ize that working for him is the best way to advance their own status.

Important NPCs: The commander of Boeruine's army in the province of Redoubt is Lyien Charie. The 8th-level, middle-aged general—a man built like a barrel—has served the Boeruines all his life. No one ever questioned his devotion, but now he feels the pressure of his heritage: His elf grandfather, who serves Rhuobhe Manslayer, has asked him to lead a force of elf brigands into the very heart of the province.

Description: Boeruine's nine provinces contain only three terrain types—plains, hills, and forest. The wind shears the coastal plains, but locals still raise herds of cattle and sheep here. The folk pretend to sophistication, and fervidly support their monarch above all others in his bid for the Iron Throne. One might think the people fear outsiders; certainly, they look unkindly on those who don't support their liege.

• Capital: The capital of Boeruine is Seasedge, and the castle Seaharrow has marked the port for hundreds of years. Sailors come from across the continent to this busy harbor.

• Trade Goods: Roads criss-crossing the kingdom allow traders to carry wood, fish, and grain to the distant corners of the land. Boeruine's trade routes run from Seaharrow to Avonlae and Ilien, and roads connect the seaports to the other provinces.

Allies: Talinie has declared Boeruine the rightful ruler of Avanil, but commits no troops or gold to the archduke's cause. Alamie has allied itself cau- tiously with Boeruine, but only in the atter of containing the goblin tribes of the Five Peaks. The ruler of Alamie remains too canny a politician to declare an alliance with Boeruine openly, and Tuornen 's regent dares not, stuck as he is between the two powers.

Enemies: The most vocal of Boeruine's foes is Darien Avan, Prince of Avanil. The archduke hungers for Avan's blood and position, and the prince seeks to extirpate his most powerful enemy. Allies of Avan (or those forced under his rule) likewise oppose Boeruine's claim to the Iron Throne. They include Taeghas and (marginally) Brosengae of the Western Coast, as well as other kingdoms far enough away to offer Avan only coin and moral aid.

Special Conditions: One reason the archduke has not already swept across Avonlae is that Rhuobhe Manslayer's domain directly abuts the southeastern corner of Boeruine. Defeating the awnshegh would make his route to conquest far clearer. The atten- tions of the Elf remain always a factor in troop movements in this region.

The archduke considers Rhuobhe a personal enemy, as Manslayer has tried several times to take his life—and bloodline power. But not only has the regent proved too wily for the Elf's assassins, he has nearly brought down the awnshegh himself. Fortunately, Rhuobhe hates the other human kingdoms just as much as Boeruine, so he spreads out his attention

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