
South of Mhoried lies the powerful Barony of Ghoere. Ghoere has been pivotal in the politics of the successor states since the death of the last Roele. For the last 20 years, the kingdom has been ruled by Gavin Tael, Baron of Ghoere, an ambitious man who makes no secret of his desire for expansion. He has doubled the kingdom's army and has embarked on a campaign of threats and manipulation against neighboring lands.

Tael is advised by the mysterious Sword Mage, a sorcerer of great power. 1 would like to know more about this enigmatic wizard and his influence over the baron, but my requests for a meeting have been ignored.

Gavin Tael, Baron of Ghoere, owns the majority of the domain's law holdings. However, The Mhor of the kingdom directly north, Mhoried, also controls a small piece, which he uses to keep Ghoere in some disarray.
• Temples: The Militant Order of Cuiraecen, god of war and storms, dominates temple holdings in Ghoere, which reflects the ruler's warlike ways. Yet, the baron does pay service to a church called Azimir's Aegis as well, and the upper class recently has become taken with the Life and Protection of Avanalae.

• Guilds: Ghorien Hiriele controls most guild activity. However, Moerele Lannaman of Mhoried and Guilder Kalien of Endier remain unwilling to let the baron's puppet guilder control all Ghoere's lucrative holdings.

• Sources: All Ghoere's magic is controlled by a being called the Sword Mage. Clad in a robe apparently made entirely of blades, the Sword Mage remains a true mystery, as no one has ever determined the figure's identity.

Army: Though Ghoere's standing army numbers only 18 units, the mercenaries who serve him can summon their compatriots. Thus, the baron's army can increase its size by another 10 mercenary units. Ghoere's forces consist of:
• 3 units of archers.
• 3 units of cavalry.
• 3 units of elite infantry.
• 3 units of knights.
• 3 units of pikemen.
• 3 units of mercenary cavalry.

  Regent: Gavin Tael (MA; F9; Re, major, 49, LE) is the indomitable Baron of Ghoere. This ruthless man drives himself to extremes in his quest for power. It remains a point of endless bitterness for him that all Avonlae does not consider him one of the front-runners for the Iron Throne, but he has determined to gain it at whatever cost. In a way, he feels pleased that Boeruine and Avanil have focused their attentions so on each other—it makes his path to power that much easier.

Tael, a man in his fifties, has iron-colored hair and a hard face. He keeps his eyes shuttered against all surprise and emotion, so as to betray nothing of his true feelings. This tactic makes him exceedingly difficult to read or understand, and there's no predicting what he'll do in a given situation. No matter whether he feels furious or calm, angry or joyful, his

• Lieutenants: Gavin Tael has emulated some of his neighbors by recruiting other regents as lieutenants. However, he does recognize that regents have their own priorities, and so unblooded men and women work for him too. The most influential and capable of these is Jonathan Miechale, a man drawn from among Ghoere's populace to serve his baron. Miechale's proud of this honor, and intends to do his job well. Though he may not always agree with the decisions of his liege, he always feels determined to carry out his orders to his fullest ability.

Important NPCs: It's said that the Sword Mage hails from Vosgaard and draws additional power by summoning and controlling fiends. Though there might be no truth to the rumor, it's enough to keep anyone from assaulting the Sword Mage's magical holdings.

Description: Though the terrain resembles that of the Eastern Marches, Ghoere possesses a certain brooding feel that can make visitors nervous. The sun shines just as brightly here as elsewhere in Avonlae, the wind blows scents just as soothing, yet the prevailing feel in Ghoere is of a country oppressed.

The kingdom's location gives Ghoere easy access to other domains—a particularly frightening detail when combined with an ruthless ruler who doesn't fear the wrath of his neighbors. Yet it's precisely this location that has trapped Ghoere—nearby kingdoms keep it contained. If Ghoere pursues one neighbor, the others will step in where the borders grow weak. All Ghoere can do is keep his army maintained, in shape, and ready to roll across multiple borders at a moment's notice.

The trade town Ghieste sits just outside the Shadowmere swamp in the province of Ghiere. Located on the river Maesil, Ghieste has a prime position to take advantage of any trade that comes its way. Though one might suspect Ghoere of taxing anything that comes down the Maesil, this is not the case. The baron's interest lies more in keeping trade flowing than in collecting the few petty coins he could reap from the tax. Better, he reasons, to foster profitable trade than force that trade to operate underground. The eastern town of Ghieste attracts both the best and the worst elements in the kingdom. The scum come here to steal from merchants going home with fat purses, while good folk visit to hear news of the outside world and to broaden their hori- zons by meeting outsiders. Such experiences cause some locals to leave Ghoere—but most come back.

• Capital: Ghoere's capital is the fortified city of Bhalaene in the center of the domain. The castle Rook's Roost carries an exceptional amount of goods and gold to and from the realm.

Allies: For such a powerful kingdom, Ghoere has surprisingly few allies. Of course, everyone recognizes Ghoere's blatant expansionist urges and refuses to deal with the kingdom on a friendly basis. The baron has proven himself overtly untrustworthy and manipulative.

Some say Ghoere has had dealings with the Gorgon for some time, but no one has proof.

Enemies: For the same reason Gavin Tael has few friends, he has few enemies. No one wants to cross him, knowing what his armies are capable of. The closest thing to an enemy Ghoere has lies to the west: Mhoried bitterly opposes his neighbor's expansionism, and the two have come to the brink of war several times. It won't be long before Tael tires of the Mhor's opposition and begins an all- out war.

Special Conditions: The law in Ghoere is absolute. The Iron Guards throughout the kingdom swiftly apprehend wrongdoers and relentlessly track fugitives. They also make sure the only illegal activities are those the baron himself sanctions.
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