
Regent: Eluvie Cariele is the ruler of Coeranys. Although her great-great-grandmother founded the domain that bears her name, the House Gladanil clan ruling there has excised her family from that land gradually, until none of them remain.

Cariele, an independent woman, demands little from her people and expects little in return. However, she feels a deep responsibility for the welfare of the citizens, and she drives herself to keep them free. She controls almost none of the law of her land, though she uses her law holdings (and the gold from her trade routes) to force off those who would take up the law for their own ends.

• Lieutenants: Medhlorie Haensen (FA; Pr2, Avanalae; An, major, 36; LG), the High Hierophant of the Life and Protection of Avanalae(organization), serves as Cariele's personal aide and adviser and helps contribute regency to keep the residents of this land free. Like the regent, she feels devoted to Coeranys and desires little more than its freedom from Osoerde and Ghoere, who seek to exploit it.

The Captain of the Guard is a fellow named Aedric Bherenstae, a consummate horseman and swordsman. He bears numerous scars gained protecting his regent from past attempts on her life, which would seem to put his loyalty beyond question—except that someone has seized his wife and child. The kidnaper will release them only if Aedric steps aside. Obviously, the captain needs to find a way out of this bind as soon as possible.

Provinces: The seven provinces of Coeranys remain sparsely populated, since most people have fled the kingdom's rainy environment, seeking sunnier climes.

Important NPCs: Several guilds have established trading interests in Coeranys, but they have not yet proven themselves equal to the task of winning over a ruler hostile to their presence. Only the guild of Baruk-Azhik controlled by Diirk Watershold, remains fully welcome in Coeranys—and that's only because he comes here irregularly. Still, Watershold and Cariele have an understanding, and the dwarf brings more than gold when he comes here—he also contributes regency to the kingdom in exchange for unknown favors.

The Three Brothers Mages who seek to conquer the magic of the Chimaeron also hold some sources in Coeranys, though they steer clear of the Sunken Lands on the Osoerde border. Whether they do so out of respect or fear of what lies within, no one knows.

Description: The wide, rolling country of Coeranys ends in the southeast at the gulf that bears its name. The kingdom's terrain varies between grass and swamp, making it prime territory for raising horses and cattle.

Those who tend the roaming herds are known as landrunners. These rangers, trained from birth to know the animals of Coeranys, hold sole responsibility for the roaming animals of the plains. They ward the animals from dangers both human and natural. Landrunners reap the highest respect in Coeranys, for their work keeps money pouring into the domain.

Storms boiling down from the mountains of Baruk-Azhik and rumbling across the Heartlands find Coeranys their eventual destination. It's rare when a whole day remains clear, so the whole of this land remains well watered constantly. The too-common swamps and bogs make peat gathering a normal labor.

The inhabitants of Coeranys find themselves happily free. The kingdom is their idea of paradise, and they'll defend it as necessary. These passionate, dedicated people live their lives in joy.

The capital, Ruorven, sits along the river that springs out of Elinien swampland. Any of Elinie's goods coming down the river reach Ruorven first, enabling Coeranys to tax them as necessary.

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