
A Duchy of Avonlae ruled by titular Duke James Raenech who usurped the title from William Moergen.     Regent: The rightful ruler of Osoerde is William Moergen. However, his late father's most trusted lieutenant, Jaison Raenech, has usurped the throne. The self-named duke has divested the old regent of his power, leaving Moergen bereft of his father's blessing and running from bounty hunters after the reward for his death.

The cruel duke delights in causing pain and demonstrating his own might. This arrogant, sneering man takes excessive pride in his darkly handsome face. He keeps his alliances secret, but all know his enemies include Coeranys and Aerenwae, both of whom despise what he's done.

Though young, William Moergen has eyes with wisdom that belies his age. He fled while still a teenager to avoid the headsman's blade, and now he attempts to build an army to roust the duke from power. His youth leads one to expect a certain naivete from him; he uses this assumption to lead his enemies into his clutches. Still, the duke has proven too canny to fall into Moergen's traps—almost as if the usurper knew of them in advance.

* Lieutenants: Terence Gryphon leads the duke's men in their pursuit of the fugitive rightful duke. This hard, capable man, seems as untrustworthy as his master. The core of ambition deep within him fuels his desire to destroy Jaison Raenech as soon as he has captured and executed Moergen.

William Moergen travels with a small band of companions. These fellow scions and hardy commoners all enjoy the heir's implicit trust. Each has saved his life in one way or another over the years. With them, he is slowly gaining enough power to retake his throne.

Provinces: The eight provinces of Osoerde are governed from the capital Moriel, located in Moriel province. From its position in the center of the realm, the duke can ride forth with little delay to answer the needs of his people—and to inflict punishment.

Important NPCs: Two mages have taken over the swamps of Osoerde. Though little is known of these two, most folks have heard them called mortal enemies—one serves the unlawful duke, while the other aids Moergen in his quest to become regent.

Description: Except for its southern swamps, Osoerde is a land of gentle hills and fields of golden wheat—the terrain has little variety. The flat countryside gradually rises upward from the eastern gulf toward the Heartlands. Cattle and horses run here, some tame and some wild.

These days find the duke raising castles along the kingdom's borders. He says he wants to defend the land, but anyone who knows him realizes he intends the forts to provide a starting point for his armies to sweep across Avonlae.

The laws of Osoerde under Raenech seem harsh and unreasonable to locals, but they strive hard to obey them. Those who fail to meet all the obligations of the law unfailingly suffer severe punishments. The duke's two favorite chastisements these days are impalement and crucifixion. The sight of a peasant nailed to a tree deters some travelers from entering the domain; it also keeps guild activity in the realm to an acceptable minimum.  

Obviously, the people feel less than happy under Jaison Raenech's rule. On the other hand, Raenech has promised that those speaking rebellion will see their families and friends die slowly before their eyes. He also has offered a substantial reward to anyone who turns in citizens speaking rebellion. These two factors keep the populace cowed.

Yet William Moergen continues to travel among the people, speaking the very words the usurper duke has forbidden the rest of them to utter. The true duke has avoided traps set for him and kept a step or two ahead of Raenech's men, but he won't be able to do it forever. Without aid, he'll soon meet his demise

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