
Guilder Kalien Leader of Trade Faction     Regent: Guilder Kalien is the undisputed ruler of Endier. This half-elf raised in Brechtur controls the law and the guilds,and through those two forces he commands the obedience of the temples. Though not a gentle ruler, Kalien is canny enough to know that an unhappy populace means an unhappy regent. Therefore, he buys people's loyalty with festivities and holidays.

 His court is renowned for its splendid celebrations, its glittering balls, and its fabulous feasts. Kalien always has time at these affairs for diplomacy, as that's what pulls in the money—what's a small investment for so huge a return?

The guilder works hard to put others in his debt and constantly hatches new schemes to wring the most benefits from any situation. He likes playing two sides against each other, preferably in such a way that neither can spot his influence. He's always in the market for information, also, and his spies cover the land to bring him the most up-to-date details they can find.

• Lieutenants: Endier proves small enough that Kalien has no need to farm out problems to lieutenants. (More to the point, he doesn't trust most people well enough to leave matters in their hands.) And, having risen to his current exalted position through betrayal and corruption, he's not willing to put power into hands that might abuse it.

Provinces: Endier has only a single province.

Important NPCs: A mage named Caine resides in Endier, though he draws his power from the river Maesil and the Spiderfell. In return for spells and protection, Kalien ensures that no one tries to raid the wizard's tower—at least no one under his command. This agreement makes for a fairly lucrative life for them both.

Endier splits its temple holdings between the priests of Azimir and Shimuura. The struggle for temporal power has been going on for some time, with no faction emerging victorious.

Description: Endier is in a bit of a bind, wedged as it is between Avanil , Ghoere, Tuornen, Diemed, Alamie, and the Spiderfell. It can not compete with the farms of the larger kingdoms, can not raise an army to rival theirs, and can not hope to defeat these powerful entities in any endeavor, except one—trade. Guilder Kalien has done his best to ensure that the words Endier and trade become synonymous.

Initially, Endier was part of the Spiderfell. Technically, Roele had awarded the land to Diemend, but House Diem never braved the Spider to claim it. As in the case of the domain of Medoere, an enterprising scion named Richard Endier tore away a province while Diemed languished under an unfit ruler a few hundred years ago. The country has managed to keep itself free of the Diem yoke ever since.

Unfortunately, Richard Endier's heirs did not manage their kingdom very well, and it began to slide toward ruin. Only the intervention of one of their lieutenants—Guilder Kalien—kept the domain from disaster. Then, mysteriously, the heirs died off, one by one, in accidents beyond anyone's control. Guilder Kalien sorrowfully took the reins of rulership and began leading Endier toward more prosperous times.

Roads run throughout the province, making trade and travel quite easy. The walled city of Endier sits at the junction of the Maesil and Tuor Rivers, its many spires and Caer Endier castle rising above the other buildings. It's a very civilized little country, and Kalien ensures it remains indispensable to its neighbors. That way, Endier should never be invaded

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