Gligaed's Reign

Upon his fifteenth birthday, Gilgaed Flaertes began his long rule of Tuornen. As had his mother and grandfather before him, Gilgaed trusted Braedonnal Tuare to command his armies. But unlike his predecessors, Gilgaed ruled with caution and debate, diplomacy and management, rather than with sword and flame. Within two years of his coronation, Gilgaed foiled an assassination attempt single-handedly. Some say that upon learning of the plot, Gilgaed resolved to foil it himself to prove that intelligence prevails over strength. In 1602, Gilgaed surprised his duchy with the announcement that he would marry Fiarelle, an elf noblewoman of Tuarhievel. The news struck the land like a thunderbolt, since the constant threat of Rhuobhe Manslayer had long ago soured human-elf relations. But Gilgaed and Fiarelle had fallen in love during the course of a long correspondence originally begun to establish relations between Tuornen and Tuarhievel. Their alliance proved successful: Fiarelle's presence in Gilgaed's court did much to sooth anti-elf sentiment among the Tuors. 

Frustrated by his duke's cautious, pacifistic demeanor, Braedonnal Tuare turned restless. He pined to harry the Manslayer, but Gilgaed forbade him to provoke the Elf.

Braedonnal became opinionated and insulting in court, often provoking duels which ended in the maiming of his opponents. At last he slew a son of House Tuor in an argument over reunification with Alamie.