Imperial City of Avonlae

The Imperial Capital. Currently presided over by the Imperial Chamberlain until one of the claimants to the Iron Throne has garnered enough power to sercure it. Currently Darien Avan, prince of Avanil, Archduke Aerie Boeruine , Baron Gavin Tael of Ghoere and Fhiele Dhoesone maintain presences within the city putting forth their claims to the imperial throne.

  Regent: The Imperial City technically has no regent—only the Emperor of Avonlae may claim it, but no one sits the Iron Throne at this time. The closest functionary to a ruler the city has is the Chamberlain, Caliedhe Dosiere who carries the Emperor's signet ring bearing the Imperial Seal and ensures that no one takes the throne.

Lieutenants: The Chamberlain asks trusted friends to undertake local missions necessary for thc safety of the city.

Provinces: The-City of Avonl remains ifcwown self- contained province, separate from Avanil.

Important NPCs: Darien Avan, Aerie Boeruine, Caliedhe Dosiere, and Heirl Diem all control law in Avonlae. The Chamberlain holds by far the largest piece and works to prevent the others from attaining much power in the city. The 10 major guilds of the old Avonlaer Empire each own a bit of the city's trade, and underground wars between them remain common. The Western Imperial Temple of Azimir dominates the city's religious life, but one can see temples of Avonlae's major gods throughout the Imperial Capital.

The Royal College of Sorcery's Ruling Council controls the magic of the city. Ley lines used to flow from all over the continent into the City of Avonlae, but most have fallen into disrepair. The 10 wizards on the council control a single ley line each.

Description: As a separate entity, the City of Avonlae is governed by laws that do not apply to the rest of Avanil. Situated at the mouth of the river Maesil, the capitol remains home to the universities, museums, and bureaucracies that made the Imperial City the center of trade, learning, and diplomacy at the height of the Avonlaer Empire. Visitors still come from as far away as Vosgaard to study at the universities and learn intrigue at the Imperial Court. Though an Emperor no longer sits on the Iron Throne, courtiers still gather here to ply their treachery and bargain for the fate of realms.

Much of the City of Avonlae is locked onto dozens of small islands, each of which comprises a different neighborhood. The islands stay connected by means of bridges or ferries, depending on the tide. At low tide, the ferries can not carry passengers from one island to another; the high tide washes the bridges underwater. Brisk sea breezes can turn to gales brought on by storms brewing to the south. A cunning series of sea walls protects the city from the worst damage from storms that drive inhabitants indoors for days on end.

The city remains home to the Royal College of Sorcery, the largest group of wizards in all Avonlae. Counter to what some imagine, the Royal College is no vast tower its surroundings. Its power dwindled with the fall of the Empire, and it now occupies a former barracks on the grounds of the old college. The original tower lies in rubble on the coastline, destroyed by the internal feuds that broke out when the last Roele passed. The mages chose the location of the new college to remind students of the price of pride. The view of the still-smoking old tower demonstrates the folly of the old wizards.

Despite the sinister smoke, some fools still explore the ruins, seeking the lost magical secrets of the ancients to increase their own power. Some explorers actually have returned with treasures, which only encourages others. Folks say that 10 levels lie beneath the smoldering ruins. Though it rnight hold many riches, treasure seekers should pay attention to the stories of looters who simply vaporize somewhere in the ruins
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