Report of Commander Tuare of Tuornen

With mingled sadness and joy, I celebrate your assumption of the regency, my liege. My grief at your father's overwhelming infirmity is mitigated by the knowledge that his noble heart yet beats. That his courageous spirit rallied long enough to invest his regency in you is a tribute to his nobility. May his twilight years be spent blissfully, while we defend the land he maintained.

  You don the mantle of leadership at a critical time. To preserve Tuornen, you must vanquish the terrible forces that endanger the land and its people. Surely none can doubt that Rhouve Manslayer poses the greatest threat to Tuornen.

  Your other counselors might busy themselves in the petty politics of our neighbors, but these realms offer no real danger to Tuornen. It is the Manslayer who desires nothing more than to still every human heart on Cerilia, and those of Tuornen beat closest to his wicked ears. You can best serve Tuornen by allowing me to take the field against this abomination before he can murder more of your subjects. To this end, Tuornen must gather its martial strength. While the hearts of our soldiers are brave and firm, they are too few, spread as they are on multiple fronts. We must maintain our vigil against the Five Peaks, and regrettably also against your estranged cousins in Alamie . But Tuornen faces no threat more dire than that of the Manslayer. Allow me to muster a host great enough to ride into the Seamists and raze Ruannoch to the ground!

From the goblins, orogs, and brigands of the Five Peaks, we have far less to fear. The base nature of these brutes is such that they shall  ever gather in civilized opposition to our sovereignty. We must maintain our patrols in Ghonallison, but with our friend the archduke's aid, our northern border shall remain safe.

The bandits along the river are another matter. Despite speculation among your courtiers, my own men report them to be common robbers, however well organized. The notion that they scout ahead for an Alamien invasion is conventional and obvious. If your cousin the duke is  known for any quality, it is neither of those. In any event, these river rats are bold blackguards, not trained soldiers.

Our border with Alamie remains as secure as ever, which is to say that incursions are rare enough to be dismissed. Your diplomats can sufficiently handle most of these complaints. But I must confess some concern about recent rumors of a growing military presence in Sorentier. It may be that the duke merely strengthens his own defense against the goblins of the Five Peaks. Or perhaps his purpose is more sinister. No greater tragedy could visit Tuornen than a return to the bloody business of fighting its sister domain. Joining Aerie Boeruine  and Alamie in a combined defense against the Five Peaks could help heal old wounds between Tuornen and Alamie. You might turn your gentler counselors to this problem while we repare against the Manslayer.

Aerie, Archduke of Boeruine, sends his greetings and wishes to express his pleasure at your assumption of the regency. As you know, your noble father was too troubled with other matters to address the issue of Empire. Perhaps now is the time to second Talinie's recognition of the archduke's claim to Avanil.

The Duke of Avanil sends his own greetings, of course. But I urge you to beware his proffered friendship. It cannot be as strong and genuine as that of Boeruine's, no matter that his holdings and influence seem greater at present.

Finally, Caine  of Endier  sends his hopes that you will maintain your predecessor's arrangement concerning Tuornen's sources. I fear he shows a face of friendship only so long as he gets his power from our land. Will he stand upon the field with us when the Manslayer descends again from his dark and twisted tower?

The days of courtly manners are past; now is the time for bold action. Tuornen needs the strength of a sword forged in the flames of bravery. Let yours be the hand of the smith, let our army become that sword, and—I pray you—let mine be the hand that carries it against our foes.

Your Loyal Servant,
Braedonnal Tuare, Commander