Tiesera of Shieldhaven

Tiesera of Shieldhaven
Equipment: Studded leather armor +2, dagger, lute.
Description/History: The court bard and herald of the barony is the songstress Tiesera, an attractive, willowy woman from Mhoried, now in her late thirties. She is a bard of the White Hall College based in Endier, and she has served the Roesone line for almost nine years now. Tiesera is renowned for her skill with the lute and her unearthly voice; some people have suggested that the faerie blood of the Sidhelien must run in her veins, if only a trace or two. Tiesera is also a master diplomat, and she is largely responsible for the current good relations with Medoere  and Ilien . She served as the architect for Roesone's informal alliance with these two smaller states.