Tuornen - Religion

The Western Imperial Temple of Azimir and the Militant Order of Cuiraecen control holdings in Tuornen. In addition to serving the spiritual needs of the domain, both orders provide strong military presences in otherwise sparselydefended areas. Unfortunately, this means the regent must treat them carefully in order to maintain their support.

The Imperial Temple is by far the more conservative. Its patriarch in Tuornen, Rhobher Nichaleir, actively participates in court politics. Nichaleir's priests promote traditional values, patient negotiation, and obedience to one's elders. While they do not defy Tuor society, the faithful believe that a more traditional social order would strengthen Tuornen.

The leader of the Militant Order is Fhylie the Sword, a strong-willed and outspoken half-elf warrior who would as often settle an argument with a Duel to Yield as with conversation. She adamantly supports Braedonnal Tuare, and one suspects she would prefer his rule to that of any more diplomatic regent. Her followers preach a litany of self-determination and personal honor which plays very successfully among the common folk and younger nobility.