Legendforge Expedition Plot in Stenneron | World Anvil
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Legendforge Expedition

Plot points/Scenes

Legendforge Expedition


Governor Sapphira Gallea has requested the The Brunch Club act as her liaison with the Legendforge Expedition in addition to Vimon Hex, a wizard under her employ. Learned members of each of the organizations participating in the expedition arrive at the Brunch Club Stronghold in order to convene and share learned knowledge.   During this conference, three options are presented as the next step. First is to find the Lost Library of Faephyra. The second is to seek the wisdom of some ancient Dragons who may recall the location of the Legendforge. The final option proposed by Alvarth Vandrek is to search for the ancient path through the Underdark his ancestors who left the Legendforge behind had taken. Electing to search for the Library first, The Brunch Club along with Haemir, Arcanist Weaver, Ayduin Loramaer, and Enchanter Maisara depart Port Tebec following a course set by Nadia the Reclaimer , a Triton treasure hunter seeking monetary compensation.

The Dead Raiders

On the path towards the Lost Library, the ship runs into The Dead Raiders pirate ships in the open sea who quickly encircle the ship in search for the powerful spellcasters who occupy it.

Articles under Legendforge Expedition


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