Audrath Geographic Location in Stenneron | World Anvil
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Audrath is an island continent in the equitorial west portion of theThe Vestri Traverse. A majority of the coasts around the Island are covered in dense rainforest and jungle, leading to mountains that create a  vast desert on the inner continent. Some areas have access to large bodies of water such as Maydare Lake, Lake Wandala, and Lake Erincard.


Large and dangerous beasts have created a home out of the harsh environments of Audrath. Dinosaurs roam the jungles, deserts and mountains. As one of the last uncivilized bastions left in Stenneron, many monsters roam the lands as well. Harpies and ettins can dscend from the mountains to attack travelers. Kruthiks and ankhegs erupt from the sands and dirt to ambush passerbys and livestock.    The Lizardfolk found in Audrath have made the most of the harsh environments and created a thriving, generally nomadic existence, hunting even some of the largest and most dangerous beasts.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to its equatorial positioning on the planet, Audrath's seasons don't change drastically. The southernmost tip of the continent can get rather cold in the winter.


Spring is likely the most moderate season on the continent. Heat in the desert remains more tolerable with occaisional rainstorms able to form around the largest bodies of water.


Summer is the hottest season on the Northern 2/3rds of the continent consisting mostly of the desert. Fortunately, the small bits of snow that accumulate on the southern mountains is fully melted by this point, often causing flooding near the river basins. These floods allow many beasts to wander farther inland than dryer times of year.


The tail end of autumn is the prime migration season for any beasts that do so. Southern beasts will begin to move northward to get ahead of the sudden winter temperature drop.


Winter accumulates snow on the tips of the mountains found to the south. This will melt during spring and summer, but while here, many beasts that don't migrate away will shelter and hibernate for a time. It is believed that some beasts of the mountains may emerge for the first time in winter to go into hiding again around mid-spring.

Natural Resources

Metals & Gems

  • Adamantine
  • Black Opal
  • Coal
  • Copper
  • Diamonds
  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Platinum
  • Silver
  • Uranium



  • Banana
  • Corn
  • Cotton
  • Peanuts
  • Sugar
  • Tobacco
  • Wheat


  • Cattle
  • Pigs/Hogs/Boars
  • Sheep
  • Chickens
  • Ducks
  • Emu


While Audrath does not have much tourism due to its status as a Prison Colony, some well-off big game hunters journey to the continent in order to make a name for themselves slaying large beasts to take home as trophies.
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