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The Republic of Gocruz is a fairly new nation. Originally a harsh landscape covered in coniferous trees, after decades of communal work to develop the land, the small republic consisted of 6 different cities. The citizens mostly came from the surrounding areas initially; serfs from Digrain, and later common citizens during IOW2’s rule, peasants from Dar seeking warmer pastures, and those fed up with the continuous troll raids of Kig.   Barring Zivnud in the north, each city is led by a different color chromatic dragon. Red for Ulos, black for Bedhailianth, white for Fraildraryth, blue for Madruntaig, and green for Eorreonteor. Although they intermittently meet in Zivnud to decide important matters, most of the decisions are made by the 54 senators, 9 elected from each city. When the senators are gridlocked the council of 5 dragons is called in to make a decision, leading to a series of shifting color alliances.   Ruled mostly as a democracy, with intermittent takeover by the council of dragons during times of need, Gocroz has enjoyed prosperity. As a less violent nation devoted mostly to trade with other Timathian League nations, Gocroz tries to appease. Although they are known to have a secret military and espionage network abroad to enforce their will.   Recently their foray into democracy has faced its first real challenge, that of the The War of the 5 Cities. Aggression from the neighboring Kikkemi, a member nation of the The Platinum Union, has seen two of its six cities captured, one Senator dead, and another that has not been seen for a number of months.
Key Geography
Zivnud - central gathering place of the council of 5 dragons
- led by a red dragon, currently captured by Kikkemi
- led by a blue dragon, currently captured by Kikkemi
- led by a black dragon
- led by a white dragon
- led by a green dragon

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