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Barskcrag Mountains

The Barskcrag Mountains refers to a range of mountains on the Erdean continent of Phelux that spans from the northern tip of the continent to the Morskrin Plains.


Despite the Barskcrag Mountiains, creating a border between the Eldritch Wastes and the rest of the world, geologists have concluded that their formation is most likely natural, and has not been noticeably influenced by the area's unpredictable magics. In fact, the mountains appear to act as a natural barrier to the land, insulating the outside world from its hazards.

The rocky terrain, especially on the side of the Wastes, makes climbing particularly difficult. Most traveling—should travelling need done—is facilitated though the Bilfjor Pass.

Fauna & Flora

The mountains are a dichotomy of life when it comes to foliage, with one side being bordered by the Thaile Woodlands, and the other the Eldritch Wastes. On the Thaile side of the mountains, pines, and deciduous hardwoods are common place until throughout the lower art of the mountains, and foraging plants can be found through out. On the side of the Wastes, the mountains are mostly barren, yielding little foliage and useful plant-life.   Fauna
Much like flora of the mountains, creatures can be separated into two sections: the Thaile and the Wastes. Creatures that are commonplace for the Thaile side are wild game, goblinoids,  and other forest dwelling creatures, while creatures are less common on the side of the Wastes—aside from the dangerous creatures that dwell within.
Alternative Name(s)
Wall of the Dead
Mountain Range
Location under
Contested By


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