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Eldritch Wastes


The Eldritch Wastes are bordered by the Barskcrag Mountains to the west and the Bezgaligs Sea to the east. The interior is a rocky, barren wasteland that alternates between dry plains and toxic swamps.

Localized Phenomena

The Eldritch Wastes have long been considered a wasteland, and many scholars at the Demelza Institute Of Magics speculate that it may have tainted by a powerful entity or conflict lost to the annals of history. Regardless of what caused the land to fall to ruin, it now is home to unusual natural and supernatural phenomenon.   Natural:
The weather in the Eldritch Wastes is unpredictable and does not follow traditional weather patterns. Additionally, the water is unusually toxic and clouds of poisonous gas have been known to billow across the land. Combined with limited animal and foraging plant life, this makes the region difficult to sustainably live in for extended periods of time.   Supernatural:
The Eldritch wastes is a place of unpredictable magics. Some places may be devoid of magic, and other places—where the fabric of reality itself is particularly unstable—magic becomes dangerously wild and unpredictable. These areas of unpredictability are referred to as primal magic zones and the effects within them can vary wildly. There have been numerous attempts to map the zones of magic within the Eldritch Wastes, each resulting in unreliable results; suggesting that these zones are in a constant state of flux.

Fauna & Flora

Due to the rocky terrain and toxicity of the area, plant life is sparse. Dried grass covers the flatlands within the region's border and knotted trees and thorny shrubs can occasionally be seen dotting the landscape. The lack of plant life has a direct effect on the animal ecosystem in the area.   Fauna
Much like plant life, animal life is sparse—which not mean that the region is uninhabited. Mutants, ash giants, barghests, and other creatures warped by the unpredictable magics of the Wastes have been documented as well as countless undead.   After the defeat of Elgris Valfiel at the end of the War Of The Risen, many undead were left without a master and were simply left to roam the Wastes. Though the Barskcrag Mountains, for the most part contain them within the borders, The Kingdom of Bithrop has specialized soldiers equipped to deal with the undead, should they cross over into their territory.
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Cover image: Geothermal Area 25 by raindroppe


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